In addition to @Daniel (Sorry, no rights to comment)

> 1**9** 43 **83** 233 5**9** 61 2**83** | 9 and 83

> 1**1** 35 **75** 225 5**1** 53 2**75** |1 and 75

> 0**5** 29 **69** 219 4**5** 47 2**69** | 5 and 69

then there is

> **19** 43 83 2**33** **59** 61 2**83** | 59-19=40, 283-233=50

> **11** 35 75 2**25** **51** 53 2**75** | 51-11=40, 275-225=50

> **05** 29 69 2**19** **45** 47 2**69** | 45-05=40, 269-219=50

There are a few other simple additions with nice round numbers
> d5-d1 = 40, d3-d2 = 40, d4-d2 = 140 (100+40)

> d7-d4 = 50, d7-d3 = 150 (100+50)

> d7-d3 = 200

> If d1 + 40 = d5, and d4 + 50 = d7, then I will guess d6+60 = d8

> logic: 5-1 = 4, 7-4 = 3, so 8-X = 2. X must be 6

> 61+60=121

> 53+60=113

> 47+60=107