He often enjoys moldy food with fermented drinks. >! He likes eating cheese with wine >! >! **OR** >! >! his parents frequently make him tempeh for dinner, which he eats with homemade ginger ale (this will... make sense when you reach the end...) His favourite candy contains chicken bones. >! He likes chewy candy which contains gelatin He only gets ⅓ sleep per day, and that leaves him feeling refreshed. >! He sleeps ⅓ of the day, i.e., 8 hours None of his pencils contain lead. >! Pencils these days write with graphite 60% of his friends are water. >! The human body is approximately 60% water by some estimates He's never far away from a chimpanzee. >! His _DNA_ is never that far from the _DNA_ of a chimpanzee His brain has barely grown since he was six years old. >! He turned seven last Tuesday