I've gone through all 27 blocks and noted down what was on each face. The coordinates are counting columns A-I from the top-left to the lower-right of the top view, and top-right to lower-left of the bottom view, and rows from 1-6 from the sphere down. [![Labels 1][1]][1] Within each cube, "Top" and "Bottom" are opposite faces, the two "Left" columns are opposite faces, and the two "Right" columns are opposite faces. This is the third version of this, with more colors grouped together by the color coding and colors chosen to match the puzzle. The original version can be found [here][2]. [![Breakdown of blocks, v4][4]][4] I've uploaded my spreadsheet [here](https://www.dropbox.com/s/4wo5azk317zmapy/Blocks.xlsx?dl=0), as well. Both the image and the spreadsheet are as accurate as I was able to make it, but note that there may be transcription errors, so double check any conclusions you draw. Some notes: - Cube C4 is the only cube without a black sun. - Cube D3 is the only cube without a white sun. - Three cubes (B1, G4, I6) have no rings. - Four cubes (B5, D1, D5, E4) have two _sets_ of rings. (But always never more than three rings total) - Six cubes (A2, A6, E4, E6, G2, G4) have unusual markings on one face. - There are exactly 8 solid faces of each of the six non-gray colors, and one face of each color which has markings. - There are exactly 28 blank faces and 28 faces which have rings at all. [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/Nrrt9.jpg [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/gDeIy.png [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/aaDZA.png [4]: https://i.sstatic.net/LxGle.png