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Physical Teamwork Puzzles for Adolescents

I am trying to develop a list of physical teamwork puzzles for 11-16 year olds at camp. When I was a kid at camp, we sometimes had to solve puzzles that depended on equally team work, fitness and critical thinking. The one I remember most clearly went like this:

Position yourselves such that no member of the team is touching the ground with any part of their body other than his/her hands. To complete this challenge, you must be able to sustain the position for at least 30 seconds. You may not use any equipment.

For which the solution was to form a circle of bodies lying down in a push-up positions but with your feet resting on the shoulders of the person behind you. Then, in unison, everyone pushes themselves up and holds the position. Points were awarded for figuring out the solution, for distributing team members such that the strongest teammates were lifting the heaviest teammates and for how long the position was held.

I remember that there were other similar challenges involving crossing an imaginary river (the shores of which were marked with cones or ropes) with rules something along the lines of:

You must cross the river without touching it (the current is too strong). Boards and poles are available to help you cross. Boards can be walked across as long as they are in direct contact with the shore and there is a teammate on the the shore to hold it steady; unfortunately none are long enough to span the river so you will have to jump across a sizeable gap. Players who cannot jump across the gap must use a pole to cross. Poles cannot serve as a footbridge. The pole can either be use pole-vault style or teammates on opposite shores can hold it to across the river to form a bridge that teammates can cross hand-over-hand

The ideal such challenge is an interesting puzzle with a clever solution or multiple solutions that favor different types of team make up (Example: in the river challenge, the pole can only be used as a bridge if teammates on the shore are physically strong enough to support their lighter teammate).

If you know any such challenges or any online resources where I might find a bunch of them that would make for a helpful answer.