(Very) Partial Answer / Work In Progress: >! Looking at different character counts, we have the following distribution: >! <pre><code> >! Count | Doubles | Triples >! T: 32 6 1 >! I: 32 0 0 >! N: 29 3 1 >! K: 41 6 0 >! L: 48 3 0 >! E: 37 3 0 >! R: 23 0 0 >! S: 91 24 3 >! </code></pre> >! This leads me to believe that the character 'S' is some sort of flow control character, instead of a numeral. My best guess so far: >! <pre><code>Single S - Character separator >!Double S - Word separator >!Triple S - Line separator </code></pre> Working with this assumption, we have the message: >! <pre><code>RLLIR-LK-TLET-TKL >!KKNKK EE-LIRL-NKL-LLTL TRE-EKE TELN-EIRN-LETLTE-L-EIRE LILEE-KNKNKNL KTK-NENN-LTEELE KLKKLKK REKI TNL-NK-RLK-EN-LIRE KRN-LIRLRE-N >!EL-LIL TIEL KIEIN-NILI-RELIEI KKNNK NTI-TTI-RKLIRE-TEI L KRNLI-TL-N EK-ELI NNN TTE-L RLLI-TTNTTTT-RKRLKI LIRKRT KEKLK-RTTILI-KK-TET >!ENE-E-KILKI-TINLI-KTN-RKLI</code></pre> This gives us a few hints as to what some characters are: >! Assuming the character is determined by adding the value of each character that makes it, we have a few single character "words": >! <pre><code>KKNKK >!KLKKLKK >!REKI >!TIEL >!KKNNK >!L >!NNN</code></pre> >! Most likely, these single character "words" are either A (adding up to 1), I (adding up to 9), maybe N or W (14 or 23, for coordinates), or numbers (valued 27-36), or punctuation, that would most likely be part of longer words. >! The safest guess is that L has a numerical value of 1, which means an L on its own is an A. It also seems possible, though less directly, that NNN is "I", with N having a numerical value of 3. This also means that an N on its own is "C"