<p>Definitely a stretch, but for any Futurama fan...</p> >!It could be Slurm! <br>Here's a link with more info about it. <http://futurama.wikia.com/wiki/Slurm></br> <p>I am a food you'd never find or certainly wouldn't eat</p> >!Of course we can't find it because it's fictional, but even if it were real, I would never eat secretion from the anus of the Wormulon Queen <p>I don't exist, and yet I do, now isn't that a feat!</p> >!It doesn't really exist, but does exist in a fictional show <p>I am a good example of something that is wrong</p> >!Slurm is a good representation of real world soft drinks and show how corporations promote them even though they're addictive and bad for you <p>I'm mentioned in the speech of some but more often heard in song.</p> >!Slurm sounds like slur, which is something some people do when they talk, but usually slurring is intentionally done in songs. <p>I know it's probably not the answer, but still, food for thought ;-)</p>