You play tic-tac-toe and you are blindfolded. The objective is to never lose and win when given the chance by the original ruleset. You do not see what the opponent moves and you may play against any kind of opponent. Every turn, before making your move, you may ask the arbiter a question to be answered with yes or no, either about the present state of the board or about a future state of the board at a certain point of time (ply x). When asking about a future state of the board, the arbiter can answer anything(yes/no), but the first player that makes a move such that the answer can no longer be proven right loses. (In this sense the question could also be considered a move). After you attempt to make a move, you are allowed to try again if your opponent had marked that spot. When playing with 'X' you may only ask one question in total. What's your strategy?