**Edit**: pdated to show *all* the previously unsolved numbers, and those I have solved.  
The bountied [best answer](https://puzzling.stackexchange.com/a/120180/51581) to the previous question left these **26** numbers unsolved:  

$499 \ 501 \ 549 \ 607 \ 652 \ 653 \ 787 \ 795 \ 802 \ 803 \ 805 \ 806 \ 807 $  
$ 821 \ 829 \ 853 \ 857 \ 859 \ 869 \ 877 \ 878 \ 879 \ 883 \ 884 \ 891 \ 892 $

Assuming the **Gamma(n)** function introduced is **(n-1)!** I updated my generator, and use $\gamma$ to indicate the Gamma factorial so that, say, $ 4\gamma = 3 \times 2 \times 1 = 6 $.  
I solved **12** more numbers. 
>! $ 501 = (11!)\gamma - (0! + 10) + (100!!)!! $  
>! $ 549 = (\frac{0! + 0!}{.1} + .1) \times ((11!)\gamma + 0! + 0!) $  
>! $ 607 = (0! + 0! + 0!)! + 0! + (11!)! - (11!)\gamma $  
>! $ 652 = \frac{(100!!)!! + 0! + 0!}{.1} - (11!)\gamma $  
>! $ 787 = ((0! + 0! + 0!)! + .1) \times ((11!)\gamma + 0!) + .1 $  
>! $ 795 = ((0! + 0! + 0!)! + .101) \times (11!)\gamma $  
>! $ 829 = ((0! + 0! + 0!)!)\gamma - \sqrt{((11!)\gamma + 0!)} + (11!)! $  
>! $ 853 = ((11!)\gamma + 0! + 0!) \times (11! + 0!) - 0! $  
>! $ 879 = \frac{(11!)\gamma}{.11} - 0! + ((0! + 0! + 0!)!)! $  
>! $ 884 = ((\frac{0! + 0!}{.1})!! + .1) \times ((11! + 0!)!! - 0!) $  
>! $ 891 = \frac{(100!!)!! + 0!}{.1} + (11!)\gamma + 0! $  
>! $ 892 = \frac{(100!!)!! + 0! + 0!}{.1} + (11!)\gamma $  

Can anyone get the other **14** numbers? I expect they can, because my generator did not previously find all those in the linked best answer from @isaacg.