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2 answers

Beach Umbrellas puzzle: did I make a mistake or is Brainzilla wrong? has the following puzzle: Four families are going to the beach in the morning and are bringing their family-size umbrellas. Which family ...
Joseph Sible-Reinstate Monica's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Possible parity for sliding puzzle

As you can see, I have a sliding 5x5 puzzle, but no matter what way I scramble it and solve it again, I always seem to have two pieces that need to be swapped. Is there a way to swap the two pieces? (...
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Does every validly posed Sudoku have at least one solution and if not what is the minimum number of givens for it to be unsolvable? [duplicate]

Does every validly posed Sudoku (doesn't break any Sudoku rules so only no duplicate 1 to 9 in rows, columns or square) have at least one solution, and if not, what is the minimum number of givens for ...
user2617804's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Hotaru Beam Puzzle: Is it impossible?

I saw this puzzle on Twitter by user @lilva_0419 and I personally feel that it is impossible to solve. Can you prove me wrong (or right)? Source on Twitter Try it online Rules (see Wikipedia): ...
niak's user avatar
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Logical Sudoku - How to tell when fully deducted?

I'm working a program that should generate bad ass sudoku puzzles. Recently I noticed there's a thing called "logical sudoku", which means it can be logical-deducted all the way to solution. The ...
Shl's user avatar
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Stuck on (a couple of) diagramless kakuros

I was working through OAPC 6 ( I was having trouble with the diagramless kakuros. The rules for this puzzle are as follows: Place the numbers $1-n$ (7 and 9 ...
Jobo's user avatar
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Stuck on a Tapa (variation)

I am stuck on a Tapa puzzle. I have tried solving it a number of times and keep running into the same problems. I am starting to wonder if it is solvable at all. As far as the puzzle itself goes, best ...
Jobo's user avatar
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8 votes
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Stuck on a puzzle

I have been working on a Knapp Daneben Tapa, where each clue is wrong by exactly one unit. I have tried it a few times and keep running into the same problem. I think I am solving it deductively/not ...
Jobo's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

Systematically solving a certain logic puzzle: win prize B when the truth of your statements relates to prize A

I came along this puzzle somewhere it a logic-related lecture: There are two prizes: Prize A and prize B. When you make a true statement, then you win prize A. When you make a false statement, then ...
Marco13's user avatar
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4 answers

JonMark Perry's Grid Logic Puzzle

Consider the following puzzle type proposed by JonMark Perry. Start with a square grid of arrows, each one pointing in one of the four cardinal directions. For example: You start at the top left. ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
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Connect the Dots Problem

Using the image above, the rules are every dot must have a line through it, no diagonal lines, no crossing over lines, no backtracking, no going out of bounds, and no picking up the pencil to start at ...
dragonwarrior's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Web of Spirits - a puzzle of romance

Spirit Web: Can you figure out the interconnected web of affections among these characters using the provided clues? Basic Rules: 1: There are exactly three existing relationships. 2: No character in ...
qwertyu63's user avatar
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What is the maximum number of solutions a Sudoku puzzle can have?

I've seen Sudoku puzzles that can be solved two different ways. Referring to a traditional 9x9 grid: Is it possible for a Sudoku puzzle to have more than two solutions? If so, what is the maximum ...
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