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Questions tagged [pangram]

A pangram sentence uses every letter of the alphabet at least once.

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-2 votes
1 answer

An 18-Letter Challenge-B: three 6-letter words, with limitations

Using the YAWL wordlist Locate three 6-letter words comprised of 18 unique letters, Using C and V, Not using KRANTZ / PLONGD / PRANCK, Using a ...
Frisky Dingo's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

An 18-Letter Challenge-A: three 6-letter words, with limitations

Use the following 22 letters to make three 6-letter words (it's the alphabet w/o H, M, Q, and S): ABCDEFGIJKLNOPRTUVWXYZ Here are the limitations: Use YAWL for wordlist:
Frisky Dingo's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Perfect Pangram development

I aim to craft very specific "perfect pangrams." A perfect pangram consists of exactly 26 letters, each used once. I include the letter lengths of each word, as well, between slashes ...
Frisky Dingo's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Can you use all 26 letters across four 7-letter words?

I'm wondering if there's a set of four 7-letter words that employ all 26 English letters. That's 28 letters total, allowing for 2 duplicates. I would even count getting 25 a win (see below for my 22- ...
Frisky Dingo's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Three 7-letter words, 21 unique letters, excludes either HM or QS

I'm looking for three seven letter words consisting of 21 unique letters, and the final result must exclude either the letters HM or QS (Excluding S may be impossible based off of my own attempts). ...
Frisky Dingo's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Two 10-letter words consisting of 20 unique letters?

I'm looking for two words, 10 letters each, 20 unique letters. Below are my by-hand attempts. Find words with 3 or ...
user87072's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Can you employ all 26 letters using three 11-letter, three 10-letter, or three 9-letter words?

I'd like to take the premise of my previous (and insofar, only other) post and extend it. Are there any wordsets that cover all 26 letters across... Three 11-letter words, Three 10-letter words, or ...
user87072's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

English pangram without Q and W

I am looking for the shortest pangram that does not contain the letters Q and W. The best I can do is "o fat vezir judge my black sphinx", which is a modification of another nice pangram. Do you ...
kepinpin's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Smallest quasi-pangrammatic number

A quasi-pangrammatic number is a positive integer whose English name contains at least one copy of each letter used to write all of the positive integers that precede it. 123456789 ("one hundred ...
GOTO 0's user avatar
  • 13.6k
10 votes
1 answer

Pangram sentence

Create a pangram sentence by replacing the 26 dots with the 26 letters of the alphabet (different dots, different letters): ...
Haobin's user avatar
  • 11.7k