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Questions tagged [money]

Puzzles that incorporate money or the concept of money in some way.

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Why math is hard to understand or explain in reverse [duplicate]

Three people go into a restaurant and each of us has \$10. So we start with \$30. The bill comes to \$25 which means there is \$5 left over. Out of that \$5 we each take back \$1 (which would be \$3 ...
Renee Romero's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Gambling game where you pick how many coins to flip

At a gambling joint, you are invited to be a player in a game with identical unfair but consistent coins flipped simultaneously in each round, with no cost to enter. Each player gets a different ...
James Waldby - jwpat7's user avatar
8 votes
8 answers

How do you solve/understand this problem of who owes who?

There are people A,D,G,P "A" needs $2.50 from D,G,P "P" needs $2.50 from A,D,G As far as who paid "A" what. "D" paid "A" \$5 (So "A" owes ...
barlop's user avatar
  • 193
12 votes
7 answers

How should they divide the money?

Three friends go on a picnic. John brings a loaf of sliced bread. Raj brings sliced tomatoes and Von brings a package of sliced cheese. They make sandwiches and eat them. John’s sandwich has 2 ...
DrD's user avatar
  • 39.5k
0 votes
2 answers

Where did the money go? [closed]

In very wealthy PSEland, the hourly rate is £1,000. A man works for 1,000 hours and earns £1,000,000. Nice going! The next year, the government of PSEland decided to raise his wages by 10%, so to ...
JMP's user avatar
  • 35.7k
7 votes
1 answer

Fair way to split coins [duplicate]

Alice and Bob went walking in the desert. Alice had two gallons of water and Bob had three gallons. They met Charlie who had no water at all and they all (Alice, Bob, and Charlie) shared the five ...
OHO's user avatar
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51 votes
6 answers

Eight coins for the fair king

You are responsible for creating new types of coins for the court. King respects the forgetful: he wants you to create 8 coins of different value, no more. King respects the feeble: he wants that any ...
Thomas Blue's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Which coins do I have? [closed]

I have 63 Rupees (or Dollars, or any kind of money). I have no coin of value 1 (Rupee or Dollar) or less than 1. (You can use coins like 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000.) Is it possible to have 63 ...
Saurabh Solanki's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Make 100€ out of 1€

With the following trick you can turn 1€ into 100€: $$ \begin{align} 1 \, € &= 2 \, € \cdot 0.5 \, € \\ &= 200 \, \text{ct} \cdot 50 \, \text{ct} \\ &= 10 \, 000 \, \text{ct} = 100 \, € \...
A. P.'s user avatar
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