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Does every validly posed Sudoku have at least one solution and if not what is the minimum number of givens for it to be unsolvable? [duplicate]

Does every validly posed Sudoku (doesn't break any Sudoku rules so only no duplicate 1 to 9 in rows, columns or square) have at least one solution, and if not, what is the minimum number of givens for ...
user2617804's user avatar
2 votes
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Logical Sudoku - How to tell when fully deducted?

I'm working a program that should generate bad ass sudoku puzzles. Recently I noticed there's a thing called "logical sudoku", which means it can be logical-deducted all the way to solution. The ...
Shl's user avatar
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What is the maximum number of solutions a Sudoku puzzle can have?

I've seen Sudoku puzzles that can be solved two different ways. Referring to a traditional 9x9 grid: Is it possible for a Sudoku puzzle to have more than two solutions? If so, what is the maximum ...
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