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Questions tagged [limerick]

A limerick is a 5-line poem with a strict AABBA rhyme scheme, often with five-line anapestic meter, sometimes obscene with humorous intent.

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14 votes
1 answer

Who’s in for a Cruising?

This is part 6 of the puzzle series Around the World in Many Days. Each part is solvable on its own. Deаr Puzzling, Looks like I’m getting way behind schedule already. Sorry about that! Time flies ...
Jafe's user avatar
  • 81k
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2 answers

A simple relationship test

I've spent way too much time on the computer today; but, at least you get a puzzle out of it! Boast all you want, I'll even give you the answers... I won't remain in the dark without you. Nothing ...
Taco's user avatar
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The blade of the leaf

Given a bird, a cat and a shrew, along with a bat to give you a few. Some sleep at night, others in light, surprisingly you are one too. How do you relate to the title?
Taco's user avatar
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9 votes
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My worth's never none

Melodically speaking, my worth's never none; Proportionally speaking, I'm a downer if under one; I'm wont to overlap; Or get up in a snap; But when I am used, I hope it's not for a ton. ...
anodyne's user avatar
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11 votes
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I'm in lips or in hair

Sometimes I like to be part of the game; Sometimes I'm part of an exercise name. I'm in lips or in hair; I'm afield so beware; I'm in many a place but direct is never my aim. What am I?
anodyne's user avatar
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5 votes
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To unlock the stage

Sometimes I'm needed when you go out to dine; Sometimes I mean to hurt or malign; But in today's age; To unlock the stage; I grant you the power to steer through the vine. What am I? Edit: I ...
anodyne's user avatar
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I make big structures look marvellous

As an object of beauty, I’m fabulous Take a closer look, I’m nebulous I can be rolled all around Or found beneath the ground I make big structures look marvellous
Ébe Isaac's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

A bunch of duos

My friend, disappointingly, just left to go somewhere without telling me. He was supposed to produce my classical techno-fusion jazz metal rap album! Instead, he left me four riddles, each with two-...
anodyne's user avatar
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11 votes
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I seek to unease but leave without a scar

My first brings in the light from the stars The other is preferred before the time of cars Before you even knew I am born within you I seek to unease but leave without a scar
Ébe Isaac's user avatar
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8 votes
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My initials are MC

My initials are M.C. and know me please do; I'm related in essence to many a crew; My syllables count four, Same for vowels I'm sure; Now please decide which are false and are true: ...
anodyne's user avatar
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8 votes
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Cheer up with this riddle

My prefix weighs little, but never has mass; My suffix might, for a whole language, pass; But to me append, One more suffix at end; And scramble my innards so I'm longer at last What am I?
anodyne's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

When in Tennessee

(1) I'm hardened yet hardly am I given a thought; Unmoved, though moving, to give what is sought; But throng be too eager, My gift, it is meager; I'll stop my inertia and render you caught. ...
anodyne's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

Nice no-computers way to find limerick primes?

A limerick number is a 5-digit number whose digits are in the form of a limerick rhyme scheme: $aabba$. How many limerick primes (limerick numbers which are also prime) are there? The answer is ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
7 votes
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A field for the curious

As is, I am a field for the curious; Study me well to be naturally serious; But cut my first and my last, And scramble me fast; Now I'm a home with warmth quite mysterious What am I? Hope ...
anodyne's user avatar
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3 votes
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Have I ever seen my name?

I'm inside karma coming home My name is a palindrome However, have I Ever seen my Name in a holy tome?
Avi's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Is there a limerick-style cryptic clue?

Is there a cryptic clue that happens to be a limerick? Please also include the answer in spoilers.
Scratch---Cat's user avatar
5 votes
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I make billions (#4)

I make billions (#4) For years did a sharp little verse, Grow fast in our ears like a curse, A tune on TV, Did subconsciously, Cause all to spend much from their purse, Who / what am ...
JS1's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

A Chwistmas Widdle With a Twist

Chwistmas is the same with or without me, though I do wish you all Mewwy Chwistmas... I wish to be wid of my condition I am named and famed with humiliation A small happy square wheel! That's my goal ...
TheSimpliFire's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Wikipedia Says So #3

Previous puzzles in series: #1, #2 A reference to the order to cite The works of those who write And star and edit And even more get credit! It's about the boring part of the night. Hint 1:...
kanoo's user avatar
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Empire Leftovers

Everyone uses me to climb higher Some use me to put out fires Say, something's fishy? Then something is a-me! Me, the leftover from an Empire What am I?
kanoo's user avatar
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12 answers

What is my favorite color?

Oh the sweet joys of favoritism! I have another puzzle for the community; as always good luck to you all, and I hope you enjoy it! Go to the bottom you'll see. Rounded but right there with me. ...
Taco's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

How much do you know about the internet?

The Internet The internet is a marvelous invention. Did you know it was created by the government in the sixties, but made popular in the nineties? Today everyone uses it, and it is becoming an ...
Taco's user avatar
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12 votes
7 answers

Good Little Monsters

Though I am small, hairy, and green (And once was quite scary, obscene!), Your wars can't defeat me. You now want to eat me! But don't let your friends intervene. Hint:
Chowzen's user avatar
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I live in a spaceship

I live in a spaceship that travels so 快地, along with a doctor who I find 真帅的, my features are 美丽, my name rhymes with 内力, it's my job to fix if the engine goes 坏了. Who am I?
Jafe's user avatar
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2 answers

How about a Limeriddle?

My start is bad electrically, My end is something theoretically, I’m bringing you here, ‘Cause you need to adhere, Because we control you technically. What am I?
Rohit Jose's user avatar
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9 answers

Ts! It's itsy-bitsy limericks time!

(1) Once I and one more sneaky ass Planned heist of a hideous mass. - Let's steal all the (^-^)! - Man, hold up your (^-^). - (^-^). Then, let's steal all the grass! (2) - My man, you look ...
Thomas Blue's user avatar
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6 votes
6 answers

Cryptic Country 4

I have northen football that can unite A flying city that will always fight Festive in the south A big man with a mouth And mistaken as the greater might Name the country Hint 1
Xavier Stanton's user avatar
20 votes
6 answers

Starts with an R

A fashionable part of the blues I am whatever you don't choose I start with an R My messages go far But maybe just after this snooze. What am I?
Ian MacDonald's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Simple Maths Riddle 4

I cheer, I shout, I scream My growth is too extreme I'm way too vast Rates too fast Continuity can only be my dream. What am I?
TheSimpliFire's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Simple Maths Riddle 3

My counterpart has committed multiple crimes; Square us and add: the result is not prime. You use me for a reason; I'm not liked by Cartesians; My converse is a measurement of time. What am I?
TheSimpliFire's user avatar
5 votes
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A Riley limerick

A Riley limerick: My prefix is somewhere you’ve been My suffix was worshipped back when My middle you’ll find Is deep in your mind Together I show where you’ve been What am I?
Alan Hoover's user avatar
33 votes
10 answers

A dirty limerick

What word is described by the following limerick? A place where the lions may roar? A place you attend after four? The usual sense Will shortly commence Exploding with colors galore! I ...
DLosc's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

I'm not a king - What am I?

I'm not a king or a royal My hard job is fraught with toil If I'm given a crown You'll surely want to frown Even more so when I'm foiled What am I?
Tonkleton's user avatar
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Two limericks in one!

Two Limericks! Try and solve both :D Limerick 1: His rage is beyond comprehension, Changing forms in the rising of tension His purple shorts seem To always stay clean And give his butt ...
diggity's user avatar
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What am I? Answer punctually

I have not graced many eyes. Usually I mean surprise. I'm shaped adjoined, in a contest I was coined, and I never got my chance to rise. I might just be a line and dot, and I might be a lack of ...
user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Animal Named After Breasts

I can be some famous duets, an animal named 'cause of breasts, a cute little toy, by stagehands employed, or sexennial safety threats. Who am I?
Will's user avatar
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26 votes
1 answer

What is James's middle name?

There once was a man called James who liked to use different names If you're slick and astute by removing the fruit your favorite flava remains What was his middle name?
jhabbott's user avatar
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10 answers

What am I limerick

This is my first post on here, inspired by other questions, but original. ...
jhabbott's user avatar
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A limerick riddle. Provides clues to song titles that have a word in common

You might think I'm broke, but then I'm a singer and sound like a hen You can count on me I'm a tramp you see So I'll sing you the blues once again. The above limerick conceals ...
chasly - supports Monica's user avatar
30 votes
4 answers

The Answer Would Make a Good Title

Here is a riddle quite long I hope you can follow along You'll be delighted While I recite it: I'm known to be unmatched in song. You'll find me the whole world around In nature 'tis ...
NeedAName's user avatar
  • 11.7k
5 votes
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Peaks, Valleys, and Slopes

I have peaks and valleys and slopes Whose mountains and beats are such tropes,   And the prime, you will find,   Is a step back in time; The end, you will find, is a hoax. ...
Andrew Larsson's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

A test of mental acuity; Identify me

When I spike, you will get quite enthused, For great strength, I am often abused, I am quintessentially male... The next line might derail: With Hashish amiga, my name's all confused. Who or ...
Glen O's user avatar
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Another crypto-limerick, this time from Verdun

Traditionally, after the limerick from Peru comes one with even fewer lines revealed: There once was a man from Verdun, Ekptl hkndekbmq eff oopqvodw ro gkhl uhr. Ol onrh lts r fbel, Gash ona ...
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3 votes
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A crypto-limerick from Peru

There once was a man from Peru, Whose limericks all stopped at line two. Rpl xcjd jfi yfo, Cw hzhyywh ot iojet, Fdy ovjyu ozmn tdz spg yxz oet yxmgybm. Can you figure out what cipher this ...
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4 votes
2 answers

A crypto-limerick

If you AES the last line, With a key made of something divine, And then you XOR The SHA-1 of "4", FWqY58QhWVqPDX0uQ8C37AYaPeWFab42F2nyuY+zWK/gCV2bo8hIDt6sjon1I8+...
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18 votes
1 answer

Poor Dvorak (a limerick)

A famous composer named Dvorak Decided to open his door rack. But then Dvorak slipped, And suddenly tripped, Abe u.nn d.aeucpoy cbyr yd. unrrp pajtv The last line of the limerick is all ...
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22 votes
1 answer

When the scalpel is applied

What word is hidden in the following Limerick? ...
Haobin's user avatar
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35 votes
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A burning sensation

What's the burning sensation in the following Limerick? ...
Haobin's user avatar
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