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Questions tagged [letter-sequence]

A puzzle in which the hidden pattern behind a given sequence of letters is to be found. Use with [sequence]

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Mystery sequence: F C R B C B O T B

Here is a sequence. What letter comes next? F, C, R, B, C, B, O, T, B, ... I expect it will take some time to answer this.
Florian F's user avatar
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Lucas's interesting cipher

Lucas was fooling around with some letters when he encoded some text into Gsobj lwmtkd sbceugb vfy rgdjb.. Can you figure out the original text he had?
Alan Bagel's user avatar
18 votes
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Alphabetic string theory

According to alphabetic string theory, the words we see are merely the visible portions of highly convoluted loops of multi-dimensional alphabetic string. For example, here is what we see in our space-...
SlowMagic's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

What is next letter in sequence: B, D, G, J, L, ___?

My answer is P. But I am not sure as there is not sufficient data to support this. B(2), ____, G(7), ____, L(12), _____ (alternating sequence of difference 5: 2, 7, 12, 17,...) ____, D(4), ____, J(10),...
Mohit Vijay's user avatar
1 vote
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Can you find the missing letters?

A pattern of letters has had letters 10 through 20 deleted. Your job is to find out what letters should go in spots 10-20. Here is the pattern: a, b, c, d, d, d, f, e, f, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, ...
BigMistake's user avatar
17 votes
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This won't work with US states

This puzzle is part of the Monthly Topic Challenge #12: mobile-friendly puzzles. For each of the following sequences, identify the three missing terms (marked by '???'): Nitrogen, Fluorine, Argon, ...
Stiv's user avatar
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What are the next 2 letters in the sequence: B, U, C, S, D, R, ?,? [closed]

B, U, C, S, D, R, ?, ? The above sequence is provided and we should guess the next 2 letters. The next letter could possibly be E, but what about after that?
newbie's user avatar
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69 votes
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Alphabet snake, master of camouflage

The alphabet snake is a master of camouflage. It finds a section of text in an old book or newspaper... ...crawls upon it... ...and disappears. Now see if your camouflage skills can match those ...
SlowMagic's user avatar
  • 14k
12 votes
1 answer

A-Z related to countries

Explain this special list of -- (-) ----- and replace the question mark with the correct answer. ...
Prim3numbah's user avatar
  • 39.5k
6 votes
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Upper right corner (home)

What letter should replace the "?". Explain why.
Prim3numbah's user avatar
  • 39.5k
21 votes
2 answers

Alien message obscured by cows

Text version: ...
SlowMagic's user avatar
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The ethical one

Here is a sequence of eight entries in total. I, T ,E and H are given as you can see but what should replace the question marks... ??ITEH?? Once you've figured out how to approach this puzzle, tell ...
Prim3numbah's user avatar
  • 39.5k
-2 votes
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What are the next three letters in the pattern "OTTFFSS"? [duplicate]

This is a very easy puzzle when the reasoning clicks: What are the next three letters in the pattern "OTTFFSS"? So what are they? HINT:
Hexagonal Impossibilities's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Find the pattern in this encrypted sequence

Fill in the question mark in the sequence: tfgz, aqt, its, pxoii, xhfa, nlif, nxi, ezfzh, cqiob, ctcm, swyvyus, frifri, zpfhdz, bfkztlkk, mhztmbx, rzboekb, ? Hint 1: Hint 2:
khang2009's user avatar
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Find the missing letter (Alphabet puzzle)

What letter replaces '?' in the stack? How do you arrive at it? Source: CSIR NET December 2018 QP
sherlockz's user avatar
11 votes
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Can you help James Bond find the next letter?

James Bond needs to hack into Le Chiffre's computer to prevent him from fulfilling his evil plan. All he needs to do is find the next letter in this sequence: H O T T S F F F S Question: Can you ...
Improve's user avatar
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What letter comes next in the sequence A, P, I, W, A, T [closed]

What letter comes next in the sequence: A, P, I, W, A, T, ?
Jackson's user avatar
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What are the missing letters in this sequence? AI, CL, DP, xx, xx

AI, CL, DP, xx, xx That's a sequence I found on Quora. The goal is to find what replaces the "x"s. The answer should be letters, not numbers (but you could maybe convert the letters into ...
akino's user avatar
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-5 votes
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Letter sequence - B, D, H, P,? [closed]

Complete the sequence B - D - H - P _: a. F b. M c. V d. Z e. None of the above is correct. Source I tried to build a sequence based on the distance between the letters, but I didn't get anything ...
gmn_1450's user avatar
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They say, six-four

Without giving away anymore info other than this image below and that the sequence consists of 7 entries only, can you figure out what the correct answer is? The answer is in the form _______ _______ (...
Prim3numbah's user avatar
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10 votes
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Ancient character sequence

What is the next character in this ancient sequence: a, a, a, a, n, a, a, a, a, a, a, ? What is your reasoning?
Dmitry Kamenetsky's user avatar
-2 votes
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Mensa Workout Quiz question - letter series

I took the Mensa Workout Quiz and I wasn't able to do this letter series question: Which letter comes next in this series of letters? B A C B D C E D F ? The options given were: C, D, E and F ...
Pilot's user avatar
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Letter Connections

What is the connection between each of these pairs and what is the missing letter? A is to G B is to P D is to Q F is to T C is to ? Good luck!
DenverCoder1's user avatar
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9 votes
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Great-Uncle Alfred's Letter Sequence

My Great-Uncle Alfred loves sequences and likes to test me with them whenever I visit. The other day, with a flourish, "Voilà!", he presented me a piece of paper with the following sequence, ...
hexomino's user avatar
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Fill in the letter cycles

ITM . NDR . EAU . ULT . TEN . TDP . YMH . RYI . SHM . PED . ODP . HIT . AKL . NPT . UKT . UTS . ESA . PRT . DOR . YMT Fill each of the empty circles above with a unique letter. Each of the three ...
Joshua Taylor's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

A mysterious paper: a collection of words around a star?

I found this paper which I think has a clue I need, but part's been torn off, and I don't recognize these words. Some of them don't even seem like words, just sets of characters. I'm sure there's a ...
Joshua Taylor's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the next item in this numerical sequence?

I found this on a test, and it's under "Numerical sequences". I can't figure it out. I tried using the numbers of the alphabet: 1, 2, 9, 12, 1, 2. A, B, I, L, A, B,? It doesn't go by the ...
PutnamLegend's user avatar
3 votes
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Letters Missing Grid Puzzle

Below is a missing-letter puzzle made by me. You need to find 4 missing letters inside the grid. Can you find them? Hint #1:
Swati's user avatar
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Missing elements of this 32-length list

The following list has 32 elements. Element 8 and elements 22 to 32 are missing. Can you find why element 8 has been chosen to be missing? And can you find what are the missing elements? RTKW EHKB ...
JKHA's user avatar
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2 answers

That letter sequence started so nicely

Find out how the following letter-sequence is constructed: ...
Zilvarro's user avatar
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A puzzle made special for today

Can you find the message hidden within this grid of puzzles?
DenverCoder1's user avatar
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Where did she stay?

In 1968, she went to Vientiane. She stayed 1 year Then she went to Ulaanbataar. She stayed 8 years In 1977, she went to ...
Enigma's user avatar
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Today's Letter Sequence

Can you figure out what the next letter in this sequence is? C, N, O, I, Z, E It's a very simple one and will no doubt be cracked in a few minutes, but I thought it was fitting for today.
Glorfindel's user avatar
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12 more blackboard puzzles (letter puzzles)

I have previously posted number puzzles. This time it's letter puzzles. Some clues have a Harry Potter theme. Hint: Hint 2: Hint 3:
DenverCoder1's user avatar
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12 votes
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Another Secondary Alphabetical Order

Here is another Secondary Alphabetical Order: If you can figure out the rest of the order, the arrows will hint you how the letters should be written.
athin's user avatar
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18 votes
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Secondary Alphabetical Order

Here are the final 16 Official Letters of the Secondary Alphabetical Order: .. .. K, L, A, I, U, G, R, H, N, F, B, X, O, Q, J, Z If you can figure out the rest of the order, the first ...
Bass's user avatar
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A letter sequence with curious repetitions

There was a time when I created some letter series puzzles. This one is an old one. Replace the question marks. P, Ca, ?, ?, O, Ca, P, Ca, ?, ?, ?, Ca Hints(1-3): I will reveal three question marks....
user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

What is the missing sequence in this pattern?

I have here a simple binary-like pattern, consisting of crosses (X) and circles (O). ...
Omicron Zed's user avatar
10 votes
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Find the element that does not fit the pattern

These 12 elements form a set with a certain pattern, but there is one element that does not fit. Which one is that? HINT HINT 2
user avatar
4 votes
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IQ test: a Letter sequence

I'm looking for solution & plausible explanantion which letter comes next in following riddle: Source (german): Update: The correct answer is B....
user267839's user avatar
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Saturdays' Sequences

0.469281 0.267974 0.333333 0.333333 0.666667 0.499346 0.333333 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 F 0 0 0 0 U P F O X F E 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 Here are 5 intertwined sequences. I will add one sequence each saturday ...
JKHA's user avatar
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2019 2-letters 33-length list

Find the final 2-letters element of the following list: AQ AR AT BA BA BA BO CA CY EQ FE FO GO GY HA HO JU KA MO RO RU SA SH SK SP SU TA TA TE TR VO WE ?? Classification The 33 elements can ...
JKHA's user avatar
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4 answers

You have (3^2 + 2^3 + 2^2) Guesses Left. Figure out the Last one

Getting bored of all the sequences (including mine)? Here is a little different one for you. What is the last one in the following: C, H, O, P, S, ? Tell me why?
Uvc's user avatar
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Number sequences: 6X000X9, 700XX08,00000015,?,00000015

Here is the question: 6X000X9,700XX08,00000015,?,00000015,?,00000015 This question actually comes from the puzzles made by my friend. He gave me his puzzles recently but I couldn't figure it out. ...
LETTERKING's user avatar
6 votes
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What's the next letter?

Can you determine which letter comes next? In text U R R R A U ? HINT 1
19aksh's user avatar
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Can you complete the sequence?

Well, can you? Q, W, R, I, ? Make sure you provide your reasoning. I can ensure you there is a pattern here. This is probably a simple one, but good luck as always!
Taco's user avatar
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11 votes
7 answers

Missing Piece of Pie - Can you find it?

A piece is missing! What should it be?
John S.'s user avatar
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Where did the mathematician go?

Two mathematicians were discussing their recent holdays. The first mathematician exclaims I was on an all inclusive trip to lanserote for two weeks. The second mathematician, slightly ashamed, ...
Secret Squirrel's user avatar
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Find the next letter in the below series

I got a question during an interview in a company and I still could not find out the solution. Kindly help me to solve this. H,A,H,L,U,?
Arunkumar Thangavel's user avatar
5 votes
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YES... Now what's next?

Here are some letter sequences, following a very similar rule. The ordering of the sequences may help you solve the sequences. Good luck! 1. Y E S _ _ L _ B J _ 2. U D T C C S _ _ _ D 4. E ...
Omega Krypton's user avatar