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18 votes
1 answer

Place some or all of the White Chess pieces on a chessboard in such a way that none of them can legally move

Place some or all of the White Chess pieces on a standard chessboard in such a way that no piece can legally move. If you use two bishops they must be on different colored squares. No pawn can be on ...
Will.Octagon.Gibson's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Place the given chess pieces on the given chessboards so that no piece attacks another

Beginner puzzles These puzzles are intended to be suitable for people who are new to puzzle solving. Clarification: Both experienced solvers and new solvers are welcome to post solutions to these ...
Will.Octagon.Gibson's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Where should the chess pieces be placed in 4x4, 6x6 and 9x9 chessboards?

Here are 3 related chess problems. The color of the pieces is not important. Unlike a legal chess game there are no limits to the number of pieces of each type in these puzzles. Puzzle 1: On a 4x4 ...
Will.Octagon.Gibson's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How can 4 chess queens attack all empty squares on a 6x6 chessboard without attacking each other?

How can 4 chess queens be placed on a 6x6 chessboard so that every empty square is attacked by at least one queen AND no queen attacks another queen. Clarification: Although I did not mention it in ...
Will.Octagon.Gibson's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Pawns and a chessboard with no three aligned

This little problem crossed my mind and appeared to be not quite trivial. How can you place P pawns on a chessboard with the constraint that no pawn is exactly midway between two other pawns? Sure ...
Florian F's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

The Game of Golden Squares

On a magic chessboard of infinite size, the squares are either wooden or golden. If 4 or more of its 8 neighbors (a king's move away) are golden, a wooden square becomes golden the next day. Golden ...
Eric's user avatar
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32 votes
5 answers

How can 3 queens control the white squares?

It is well known that there is no way of arranging 4 queens on a checker board in such a way that every square is occupied or threatened. Now consider a slight variation where we only need to cover ...
Paul Panzer's user avatar
  • 10.4k
5 votes
4 answers

Most Captures Chess

In Most Captures Chess puzzle, you will need to provide a legal game where it is Blacks to play and where they have the most different ways to capture a White piece. For instance, the next game allows ...
JKHA's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

A tribute to "Most ways to uncheck the king"

Today, we had the great privilege to see @Paul Panzer's answer being ticked at @thesilican's absorbing puzzle. I here propose a variant of his puzzle where it's not mandatory to use a legal chess game....
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