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12 votes
1 answer

Transform each square of a chessboard to zero

Each square of an 8x8 chessboard is marked with a positive integer. The integers can be changed according to the following two rules: (1) all integers in a row are doubled (2) all integers in a column ...
ThomasL's user avatar
  • 12.3k
6 votes
3 answers

Place 16 queens in a $16\times 16$ board peacefully, also in subboards!

What is the smallest number, $n$ in which $n$ queens can live in a $n\times n$ board peacefully? Of course not more than 8. ☺ (read about the eight queen puzzle) But this was not the question. ...
Omid Ghayour's user avatar
26 votes
2 answers

Desegregate the Knights

You are given a 3 by 3 chessboard with a knight on each corner, where the knights in the top row are black and in the bottom row are white. On each turn, you may move a knight of either color (the ...
Mike Earnest's user avatar
  • 32.8k
32 votes
5 answers

Switch The Knights

On a small $ 4 \times 3$ chessboard, the top row is filled with black knights and the bottom row with white knights. On each move, you may move one knight (as it moves in chess) to an unoccupied ...
Mike Earnest's user avatar
  • 32.8k
12 votes
2 answers

Maze Solving Robot, More Difficult Variant

You are trying to design a maze solving robot, capable of solving "valid" mazes. A valid maze is an 8 by 8 checkerboard, surrounded by walls, where Between each pair of orthogonally adjacent squares, ...
Mike Earnest's user avatar
  • 32.8k
22 votes
4 answers

Checkerboard Infection: The Aftermath

As in this previous puzzle, we are again playing with our favorite bacteria, C. Coli, whose natural habitat is an 8x8 checkers board. These are very nasty bacteria - once they are in a cell of a ...
Milo Brandt's user avatar
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24 votes
4 answers

Checkerboard Infection

There is a dangerous bacteria, Checkerichia Coli, (or C. Coli for short) which lives in the squares of checkerboards. Squares with this bacteria living in their digestive systems are said to have &...
Mike Earnest's user avatar
  • 32.8k
5 votes
2 answers

Patriotic Solitaire

You are given a $3\times n$ checkerboard, covered with $n$ red, $n$ white, and $n$ blue checkers. Call a board patriotic if every column has a red, white and blue checker. You want to make the given ...
Mike Earnest's user avatar
  • 32.8k