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Questions tagged [calculation-puzzle]

A puzzle that involves numerical calculations, such as multiplication and addition. Use with the [mathematics] tag.

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23 votes
0 answers

What does this mathematical operator do?

The solution to this puzzle is one I came up with when working on this puzzle: What is the answer of this math puzzle? For two natural numbers a,b, can you figure ...
7 votes
1 answer

Fill this Sudoku variant so that the sums of numbers in the outlined regions are all different

Place numbers in the grid so that each row and each column contain all the numbers {1,2,3,4,5} (each exactly once) and the sums of numbers in the outlined regions are all different. Attribution: ...
7 votes
1 answer

A composite calculation

Who discovered the calculation behind this alphametic? $MAG \cdot MESSAGE = A^{GM} + G$
12 votes
7 answers

Unorthodox angle measuring device

I'm using a certain device to measure angles. These are the results I'm getting: ...
13 votes
2 answers

Largest number possible with +, -, ÷

What is the largest number that can be made using the integers from 1 to 10 under the following conditions: Addition, subtraction, division are allowed. Multiplication and other operations are not ...
11 votes
5 answers

Maximizing the common value of both sides of an equation (part 2)

Using all the integers from 1 to 12 inclusive (each used exactly once), along with any number of the five arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and raising to a power) ...
7 votes
0 answers

Under unusual daylight, delicate leaves rustle lightly

5th September 1964, ??:??:?? (UTC), somewhere in Romania: Under unusual daylight, delicate leaves rustle lightly, revealing bright autumn skies - Bob's set is reversed. (B > b) How does that sum to ...
6 votes
1 answer

Largest prime number with +, -, ÷

This is inspired by this great puzzle What is the largest prime number that can be made using the integers from 1 to 10 under the following conditions: Addition, subtraction, division are allowed. ...
8 votes
3 answers

Fill the grid with numbers to make all four equations true

Using all the numbers {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}, each exactly once, fill each empty white square with a number so that all the horizontal and vertical equations are true. The grey squares are not used. ...
17 votes
4 answers

Maximizing the common value of both sides of an equation

Using all the integers from 1 to 10 inclusive (each used exactly once), along with any number of the four arithmetic operations (add, subtract, multiply and divide) and parentheses, construct an ...
4 votes
4 answers

Fill a grid with numbers so that each row/column calculation yields the same number

Using all the integers 1 through 9, each exactly once, put a number into each square in the grid below so that the result of each row and column calculation is 5. All operations are performed "...
5 votes
1 answer

Four out puzzle: Get rid of a six digit number in 4 moves

I saw this puzzle in an old book with math games. The objective of the puzzle is to get rid of a six digit number in four moves so that the calculator will read 0. You start with a six-digit number ...
2 votes
1 answer

It’s the transition that matters

Cole gave a message to Atis. "It’s just a very long number!" Atis exclaimed, "The number over here to be specific!" Cole whispers Atis something, but all she caught was something ...
7 votes
1 answer

Rearrange these numbers and symbols to make a true equation

Beginner puzzle This puzzle is intended to be suitable for people who are new to puzzle solving. Clarification: Both experienced solvers and new solvers are welcome to post solutions to this puzzle. ...
3 votes
1 answer

A variant of the 2-Chess Games overlapped

This is a variant of this previous puzzle. Create two valid Chess games (A and B) with the minimum number of moves such that overlapping the two games creates a valid chess position. The following ...
3 votes
0 answers

Merged Paris 2024 Medals Table

What happened to this Olympic Games Paris 2024 Medals Table? Country Gold Silver Bronze Total People's Republic of China 9 3 2 14 United States of America 5 9 5 19 France 5 5 5 15 Netherlands 5 1 ...
6 votes
3 answers

Overlap two Chess Games

Create two valid Chess games (A and B) with the minimum number of moves (you will sum the number of moves of A and B) such that overlapping the two games creates a valid chess position. The following ...
6 votes
1 answer

Cryptic Division 12: And All the Men and Women Merely Players

This is a word division puzzle which uses cryptic clues. If you're unfamiliar with either or both of those, you can click the associated link. In order to solve the alphametic, you'll first need to ...
3 votes
1 answer

Solve this cryptarithm: PI * R^2 = AREA

PI × R^2 = AREA If each letter in this expression (but not the exponent 2) is replaced with a corresponding digit, the resulting equation will be valid. What are the values of the letters if Case 1: ...
5 votes
1 answer

Weigh 15 boxes with a digital scale, but you can’t understand the number system

This puzzle is inspired by the puzzle 14 coins problem but you can't understand the scale. In this weighing puzzle, you have 15 boxes, each one weighing 1, 2, 3, and so on until 15 arbitrary units....
0 votes
1 answer

Black Box puzzle: buttons and lights

I am trying to solve a Black Box puzzle from Workroom Productions. It features several buttons and lights. When you press the button(s), some light(s) turn on, while others may turn off. You can ...
0 votes
2 answers

Equity distribution when one buyer is an original stakeholder [closed]

Consider this scenario: I own a couch and TV. The tv originally cost 800 and the couch cost 600. We split this among five friends: A, B, C, D, and E. Now, I want to sell the TV for 600 and the couch ...
5 votes
2 answers

What is the maximum number of cities that can be destroyed?

As a commander of an army battalion, you have to plan the attack on some enemy cities which are connected by road-network. Before starting the attack, you have information about all the cities and ...
31 votes
1 answer

Are you radical enough to solve this SURDOKU?

All "surds" represent whole numbers smaller than 15, and the same number is never used twice with the same index. (It's a sudoku.) Attribution: Puzzles by @stecks & @...
-10 votes
2 answers

Can you make 39 using the numbers 5 4 3 2 1 in that order?

Is it mathematically possible to show by some creative way that when you combine the digits 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 in that order using operators (+, -, x, integer division/ floating point division(//) or ...
3 votes
2 answers

General Approach to Solving Cryptarithms

I have recently started honing my problem-solving skills, starting with number-related puzzles. Cryptarithms have appeared frequently, so I was wondering whether there is some sort of general approach ...
10 votes
2 answers

Fill the triangular grid using the digits 1-9 subject to the constraints provided

Fill the grid using the digits 1-9 four times each. No row or column can contain the same digit more than once. The total of each row and column is provided, as well as clues to the numbers forming ...
14 votes
3 answers

Fill the grid subject to product, sum and knight move constraints

Using the numbers 2, 3, 4, ... 19 each exactly once, fill some of the empty squares in the grid with a number so that the product of the numbers in each row is as shown, as is the sum of the numbers ...
3 votes
1 answer

Radioactive rocks and an unusual track [closed]

Yesterday, Matt and Rachel jogged for a half hour around a circular track with a radius of 100 meters. In that time, Matt ran 10 laps and Rachel ran 7 laps. Each started and stopped in the same ...
10 votes
1 answer

Why did the general choose this as the exact time of attack?

It is the WWII. The general ordered his troops to start a surprise attack on the enemy at this exact time: 18:49:06 After the attack which was succssesful some ...
3 votes
3 answers

Making a multiplying magic square

To allow new users to solve this puzzle and earn reputation points, I encourage all users whose reputation is 200 or more to not post an answer until 48 hours after this question is posted. Thank you! ...
11 votes
7 answers

Turn the dials until each of the 12 columns add up to 42

I received the wooden puzzle below for Christmas. After playing with it for a while I decided I needed to actually write something down if I was going to solve it. Eventually I just wrote an algorithm ...
1 vote
2 answers

Solve the Alphametic: SOUNDS / WOW = ELK

This is a long-division problem in which letters are substituted for numbers. Solve the problem. Determine the number value of each letter; and when the letters in each one have been arranged in order ...
8 votes
1 answer

Making 1353 using Four fours

As the title says, the goal for this puzzle is making 1353 out of simply 4, 4, 4 and 4. Concatenation is not allowed. Here are all of the allowed operators. Addition (+), Subtraction and negatives (-)...
14 votes
1 answer

Poring Over the Numbers: A Hidden Message

I thank my lucky stars I'm able to write this to you. I spent a hefty percentage of my remaining cash at the courier's office and I want to underscore the importance of this communique. If a man comes ...
9 votes
4 answers

Order matters twice

Mr. Accurado, a keen and sharp eyed professional thought of starting his special assignment at few seconds past midnight. However due to a distraction- which lasted for less than a minute - he could ...
9 votes
1 answer

Locked Door Number Puzzle

I'm supposed to make a delivery to a crazed botanist. In case you're curious, the shipping manifest is: ...
-4 votes
3 answers

Use 1 6 7 8 (all numbers) to equal 2 [closed]

Create an equation using 1, 6, 7 and 8 to equal 2. Can use brackets, plus, minus, subtract, multiply.
6 votes
1 answer

Connect the dots x Crosswords

About the puzzle: This puzzle is a crossover of "connect the dots" puzzles and crossword puzzles. It requires the solver to place dots on the graph using crossword-like clues. Then, dots ...
4 votes
1 answer

The 50 game between two players, selecting numbers between 1 and 10 inclusive + variations

This is a cross-post from MSE: Let's play a game with two players, with ...
28 votes
1 answer

Where is the large cook promotion?

The time is 8:59 or ... Where is the large cook promotion? 3,4,2 Partial answers are welcome. A complete answer will use/explain all of the above.
7 votes
1 answer

Ernie and the Kzijekistanian Coup

A couple of days ago I noticed an article in the International News section of our local newspaper headlined Kzijekistanian Empress Abdicates. Reading on, I discovered that she "… stepped down ...
6 votes
1 answer

April Fools Origami Update

Me (Sunny Lu) and Ωmega_3301 have made a special April Fools edition of origami puzzles. The objective is to fold a shape into a rectangle with uniform thickness. The thickness will be given to you. ...
10 votes
3 answers

Fix the addition so that the sum is 1,111

111 333 555 777 + 999 ----- 1,111 The above addition is not correct. Can you fix it? For which numbers $n$ can you change $n$ of the $15$ digits of the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Find the ciphering method 4

Link to the entire series. The message: ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Alphametic from programming class

The below question is from one of my assignments for Login Programming for Artificial Intelligence. ABCDE CFGH --——- DEHIJ Each letter A,..., J represents a ...
0 votes
3 answers

Crypt Arithematic problem

Solve this Alphametic puzzle T H I S + S I Z E ========= S H O R T
13 votes
7 answers

Fewest number of prisoners needed

You are an assistant to the king, who has scheduled a party tomorrow. There are 1000 wine bottles in the king's possession, and unfortunately, 3 of them are poisonous. Consuming from any of these ...
12 votes
1 answer

Ernie and the Chocolate Bomb

Last week when I visited Ernie he complained that his trousers had shrunk in the wash. I suggested an alternate possibility – he was putting on weight. So he decided to go on a diet and to support him,...
5 votes
4 answers

How to make 2012 by using 2, 0, 1, 2?

How to make $2012$ by using $2, 0, 1, 2$? Allowed Operations: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, $!$ (factorial), subfactorial ( $!n$), primorial (product of the first $n$ primes), ...

2 3 4 5