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48 votes
4 answers

Can you checkmate a king you can't see?

Motivation If you play bullet chess with time management skills as poor as mine, you often end up in endgame situations that require delivering checkmate by playing several premoves in a row. For ...
noedne's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Two-Move Chess Game

Consider a standard game of chess. We make the following modification: on a turn, if a player makes a move which neither captures a piece nor puts their opponent’s king in check, then they may make a ...
godlification's user avatar
4 votes
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King 2 men, but don't kill a man

I found mention of this challenge in a Science paper called "Checkers is solved" from 1996, but no example was given. Beginning at starting position, play moves according to rules of ...
Noone AtAll's user avatar
4 votes
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Police and Thieves

I played this game when I was young, but cannot find it online. It is played on a checkers board (e.g. the black squares of a chess board) between two players P and T. The game goes as follows: P ...
user21820's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Black War Heroes or Whites Save the Queens?

After Black Cavalry successfully captured White princesses, White empire learns their Black opponent is hungry for more and wants White Twin Queens dead! White will never let such a disaster happen ...
JKHA's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Minimum number of turns to capture all pieces in Checkers

On an 8x8 checkerboard, there are 12 red kings and 1 black king. The kings behave as they would in any normal game of checkers, being able to move in any diagonal direction one space and jump any ...
Bewilderer's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Least amount of moves is required

You have 8x8 board and 9 identical pieces placed in a 3x3 square at the bottom left corner of the board. You are going to play a very simple game. Your task is to move these 9 pieces to the 3x3 square ...
newzad's user avatar
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6 votes
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Checkers Against The King

The king has invented a new game called King's Checkers. The rules are simple, it's exactly like regular Checkers, the only difference? The king plays first and all his pieces are automatically "king",...
warspyking's user avatar
  • 14.5k
6 votes
1 answer

2 bishops versus a lone king

There are 4 pieces on the board, the white and black kings, as well as 2 white bishops (on differently colored squares). The only way a stalemate occurs is if the black king is not in check, but ...
ghosts_in_the_code's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How many Kings can you Achieve?

In a standard American game of checkers what's the maximum amount of kings a player can get, and what is the move sequence? Keeping in mind the force capture rule
warspyking's user avatar
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