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3 votes
1 answer

Are draws possible in the game Nakatta?

I'd like to know if this game can end in a draw: Nakatta is a connection game for two players: Black and White. It is played on the intersections (points) of an initially empty square grid (board). ...
Luis's user avatar
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4 votes
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Are infinite loops possible in the game Prodway?

I'd like to know if infinitely repeating sequences of moves (i.e. cycles) are possible in the following game: Prodway is a game for two players (Black and White) that is played on an initially empty ...
Luis's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Are infinite loops possible in the game Reneo?

I'd like to know if infinitely repeating sequences of moves (i.e. cycles) are possible in the following game: Reneo is a game for two players (Black and White) that is played on an initially empty ...
Luis's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Chain Puzzle: Tabletop Games #08 - Targui, or not Targui

This is the eighth Chain Puzzle in the Tabletop Games series, in which all puzzles are themed around board games, card games, tile games, and the like. The answer to this puzzle is a thematic word or ...
Stiv's user avatar
  • 155k
15 votes
2 answers

Chain Puzzle: Tabletop Games #06 - So Sorry

This is the sixth Chain Puzzle in the Tabletop Games series, in which all puzzles are themed around board games, card games, tile games, and the like. The answer to this puzzle is a thematic word or ...
Bubbler's user avatar
  • 17.1k
16 votes
2 answers

Twelve Labours - #02 Lernaean Hydration

This puzzle is part of the ‘Twelve Labours’ series. Previous instalments can be found here: Prologue | 01 His first labour now complete, Hercules made his way up the street to the storage depot for ...
Stiv's user avatar
  • 155k
40 votes
2 answers

Magic Maze Puzzle

Inspired by the board game, Magic Maze Set-up: Cut out each 4x4 tile, and the four small tokens (orange, yellow, green and purple), from the provided image below. Place tile 1 on a flat surface with ...
boboquack's user avatar
  • 22.1k
6 votes
4 answers

Filling the board with 0s and 1s

You are given a $9\times9$ grid board. You have 40 "$1$"s and 41 "$0$"s. You can put these numbers wherever you want on the board. After that, you will take the sum of the numbers ...
Oray's user avatar
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