I currently have a sudoku puzzle that looks like this:
[7][ ][4] | [6][ ][ ] | [1][9][3]
[ ][2][ ] | [ ][7][4] | [5][8][6]
[6][ ][ ] | [ ][ ][9] | [4][7][2]
--------- | --------- | ---------
[ ][ ][ ] | [ ][ ][ ] | [6][4][7]
[2][ ][ ] | [4][5][7] | [9][3][1]
[ ][4][7] | [ ][6][ ] | [2][5][8]
--------- | --------- | ---------
[1][ ][ ] | [7][ ][ ] | [3][2][ ]
[ ][9][2] | [ ][3][ ] | [7][6][ ]
[ ][7][ ] | [ ][ ][6] | [8][1][ ]
I've been looking at it for awhile but it seems like my next move is to guess where the next number goes, as there are many places where it's a 50/50 between 2 numbers. From my understand though is that sudoku is a logic puzzle and you shouldn't need to resort to guessing to figure out the next move. I was wondering if somebody could find and explain my next logical move ( or 2 ).