Inspired from Can you name the country code? and What is a Number™? series
$ \begin{gather} % custom template - reuse if you may \def\S#1#2{\Space{#1}{21px}{#2px}}\def\P#1{\V{#1em}}\def\V#1{\S{#1}{9}} \def\T{\color{white}{\textbf{ Number }}}\def\NT{\color{white}{\textbf{ Color Code}^{™}}}\displaystyle \smash{\lower{29px}\bbox[maroon]{\phantom{\rlap{rubio.2020.01.21-custom}\S{6px}{0} \begin{array}{cc}\T&\NT\\\end{array}}}}\atop\def\V#1{\S{#1}{5}} \begin{array}{|c|c|}\hline\T&\NT\\\hline % ~\text{ 0 }&\color{green}{ Green }\\ \hline ~\text{ 1 }&\color{indigo}{ Indigo }\\ \hline ~\text{ $\varphi$ }&\text{ ? }\\ \hline ~\text{ 2 }&\color{violet}{ Violet }\\ \hline ~\text{ $e$ }&\color{Orange}{ Orange }\\ \hline ~\text{ 3 }&\color{Indigo}{ Indigo }\\ \hline ~\text{ $\pi$ }&\color{Orange}{ Orange }\\ \hline ~\text{ 4 }&\color{red}{ Red }\\ \hline ~\text{ 5 }&\color{orange}{ Orange }\\ \hline ~\text{ 6 }&\color{green}{ Green }\\ \hline ~\text{ 7 }&\color{yellow}{ Yellow }\\ \hline ~\text{ 8 }&\color{green}{ Green }\\ \hline ~\text{ 9 }&\color{Indigo}{ Indigo }\\ \hline ~\text{ 17 }&\color{orange}{ Orange }\\ \hline ~\text{ 42 }&\text{ ? }\\ \hline \end{array}\end{gather}$
3 Questions for this puzzle
- What is the Color code of $\varphi$?
- What is the Color code of 42?
- What is the smallest integer number to be $\color{Blue}{Blue}$?
Hint A.1 - 17th May
First reasonable step to resolution is to spell out in English each integer or constant
Hint B - 20th May
All possible color codes are given in the puzzle
Hint A.2 - 26th May
Extending hint A.1.
You will need the number of letters of each integer or constant spell out in English.
Hint C - 21th June
You will need to find the appropriate sort on all colors.
Hint D - 24th June
I'm adding an hint earlier than I planned as a bounty was given.
The overall cryptography scheme is:
Sort colors like Hint C and select a given number $x$.
1. Spell out $x$ like Hint A and save the number of letters $n$.
2. Apply a cryptography function which needs $n$, $x$ and the appropriate sort on colors.
3. Output of cryptography function is $x$'s color code.
Note that our cryptography function is really simple, in my opinion, nearly all undergraduate students would understand it, but not find it necessarily as you've guessed it :)