(Not an answer but too long for a comment - computer based)
I checked all the possible games for $1 \leq k \leq 10000$ by computer. I discovered the following:
Amy only has a winning strategy for $k=2,\,6$.
I have no idea why this is, but in case it is of some use, the following spoiler contains a table of the winning and losing positions for even $k$ between $2$ and $20$. Note that "Winning" means "If you start in this position, you have a winning strategy."
Winning positions for k = 2:
1: Winning
2: Losing
Winning positions for k = 4:
1: Losing
2: Winning
3: Winning
4: Losing
Winning positions for k = 6:
1: Winning
2: Losing
3: Winning
4: Winning
5: Winning
6: Losing
Winning positions for k = 8:
1: Losing
2: Winning
3: Losing
4: Winning
5: Losing
6: Winning
7: Winning
8: Losing
Winning positions for k = 10:
1: Losing
2: Winning
3: Winning
4: Losing
5: Winning
6: Winning
7: Losing
8: Winning
9: Winning
10: Losing
Winning positions for k = 12:
1: Losing
2: Winning
3: Losing
4: Winning
5: Losing
6: Winning
7: Losing
8: Winning
9: Winning
10: Winning
11: Winning
12: Losing
Winning positions for k = 14:
1: Losing
2: Winning
3: Losing
4: Winning
5: Losing
6: Winning
7: Winning
8: Winning
9: Losing
10: Winning
11: Losing
12: Winning
13: Winning
14: Losing
Winning positions for k = 16:
1: Losing
2: Winning
3: Losing
4: Winning
5: Losing
6: Winning
7: Losing
8: Winning
9: Losing
10: Winning
11: Losing
12: Winning
13: Losing
14: Winning
15: Winning
16: Losing
Winning positions for k = 18:
1: Losing
2: Winning
3: Losing
4: Winning
5: Losing
6: Winning
7: Winning
8: Losing
9: Winning
10: Winning
11: Losing
12: Winning
13: Winning
14: Losing
15: Winning
16: Winning
17: Winning
18: Losing
Winning positions for k = 20:
1: Losing
2: Winning
3: Losing
4: Winning
5: Losing
6: Winning
7: Winning
8: Winning
9: Losing
10: Winning
11: Losing
12: Winning
13: Winning
14: Losing
15: Winning
16: Winning
17: Losing
18: Winning
19: Winning
20: Losing
Here's the code I used (in C++). It doesn't seem to want to go into a spoiler, but, of course, it's not going to tell you anything interesting unless you run it. It takes a few minutes on my computer to check up to 100000. (If you're not in the habit of running C++, you can use online compilers like this. You probably can't do long computations this way, but you can have it output tables and such for smaller cases)
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
std::vector<int> const& divisorsOf(int x){ //Memoized function returning divisors calculated by trial division.
static std::vector<std::vector<int> > cache;
if(cache.size() >= x){
return cache[x-1];
if(x != cache.size() + 1) divisorsOf(x-1); //Compute all divisors before this.
std::vector<int> divisorList;
for(int i = 1; i <= x; ++i){
if(x % i == 0) divisorList.push_back(i);
return cache.back();
void checkCase(int k){
std::vector<bool> winPositions;
winPositions.resize(k); //winPositions[k] will be true at the end position k+1 is winning.
for(int p = k; p > 0; --p){ //Compute positions from the end
bool winning = false; //A position is winning if it can move to a losing position.
for(int divisor : divisorsOf(p)){
if(p + divisor <= k && !winPositions[p + divisor - 1])
winning = true;
winPositions[p - 1] = winning;
//The following lines would print the full table of winning/losing positions:
/*std::cout << "Winning positions for k = " << k << ":\n";
for(int p = 1; p <= k; ++p){
std::cout <<"\t" << p << ": " << (winPositions[p-1]?"Winning":"Losing") << "\n";
//This outputs only whether the first player wins.
std::cout << "First player wins for k = " << k << "\n";
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
int max = 100000;
for(int i = 1; i <= max; ++i){
std::cout << "Done. Checked up to " << max << "\n";
return 0;
Edit: some non-computer work. It seems like, if you forget about $k$ (assume it's larger than we touch in our logic), you can derive some interesting results from assuming "$1$ is a winning position" then just using that a position is winning if and only if it can move to a losing position. Details spoilered:
In particular you can figure out that $2$ must be a loss, then $3, 4$ must be a win, which, since $3$ can only move to $4$ or $6$ implies that $6$ must be a loss. You can prove, of the positions $1 \leq p \leq 16$, only $p=2,\,6,\,10,\,14$ are losses and the rest are wins from this assumption (and the assumption that $k>16$). There's a smattering of further results for higher positions - most notably, it turns out that $p=22$ is a loss - but nothing as dramatic as a uniquely determined answer.
You would hope to derive a contradiction here, but I realized that this is not possible, because setting any position $p$ equal to $2$ mod $4$ as a loss and the rest as wins satisfies the axiom that a position is a win if and only if it has a move to a loss, since you can add $2$ to anything of the form $4n$ or $1$ to anything of the form $4n+1$, you cannot add a multiple of $4$ to a loss of the form $4n+2$, and then every number of the form $4n+3$ has a prime divisor of the form $4m+3$, so can reach something of the form $4k+2$. So I guess this method doesn't lead to a solution, but it seemed interesting enough to share.