Clue 1:
$8^1$, $6^1$, $15^2$, $15^3$, $5^3$, $2^4$, $2^4$, $4^4$, $3^5$, $3^5$, $3^5$, $3^6$, $11^6$, $5^7$, $2^7$
$7^1$, $2^1$, $19^2$, $18^3$, $5^3$, $6^4$, $6^4$, $6^4$, $7^5$, $7^5$, $1^5$, $7^6$, $7^6$, $1^7$, $6^7$
Clue 2:
You cannot multiply anything by zero. The answer is always zero. Thus, if you zero zero multiply zero multiply zero multiply zero multiply zero multiply zero multiply zero and you divide it into two, you get the answer.
What word am I?
Hint 1:
You need both clues to solve the puzzle
Hint 2:
Add the same squares together
Hint 3:
Divide the second part into two
Hint 4:
Write down the second statement