As others (ex: Gareth McCaughan) have mentioned, by looking at divisibility by primes up to 13 we can narrow the list down to 19 possibilities:
11111, 11441, 11551, 11771, 11881, 33113, 33223, 33443, 33773, 33883, 77117, 77227, 77447, 77557, 77887, 99119, 99559, 99779, 99889.
Now, we'd like to test for divisibility by higher primes. To do so, we can make use of the fact that limerick numbers are all of the form a*11001 + b*110. We start by computing 11001 mod p and 110 mod p for the prime p we're testing. Let's do this for p=17 as an example.
11001 mod 17 = 2, 110 mod 17 = 8.
Now, we simply need to solve for 2a+8b = 0 mod 17, where a is 1, 3, 7 or 9 and 0 < b < 10. Since 17 is a prime, there will be at most one b for each a. This gives the solutions (a, b) = (1, 4), (9, 2).
This tells us that 11441 and 99229 are divisible by 17, out of our remaining candidates. We already knew 99229 was divisible by 13, but 11441 is freshly eliminated. Now we're down to 18 candidate limerick primes!
By this method, I calculated that 19 divides no new limerick numbers. 23 divides 99889. 29 divides 77227, 31 divides 33883, 37 divides nothing new, and 41 divides 11111.
Obviously, we could keep going like this, though the hit rate will slow down as the prime we are testing increases. There are 14 candidates remaining at this point:
11551, 11771, 11881, 33113, 33223, 33443, 33773, 77117, 77447, 77557, 77887, 99119, 99559, 99779.