Xech is a shiny new robot on it’s first day of work. Xech's job is to move packages and product around a warehouse that is used by Xechry merchants, keep things neat, tidy, and efficient. At 9:00am sharp Xech gets its first set of instructions to fetch a package from the warehouse. The instructions are as follows:
Proceed to the charging station and face South.
Move forward 35 yards and then turn 270 degrees counterclockwise.
Move backwards 15 yards and then turn 45 degrees clockwise.
Move forward 5 yards, reverse your direction and move forwards another 40 yards.
Turn 135 degrees anti-clockwise and move forward 90 yards.
Rotate 45 degrees to the robots left and move forward 15 yards.
Raise your robot arms 2 feet and grab the package in front of you
Spin around 180 degrees and move forward 2 feet
Turn 90 degrees to your left and move forward until you see the dotted line on the floor.
After performing these instructions, In which direction will Xech be facing?