There are $3$ saucers. And there are $5$ disks, say A,B,C,D,E, having respective areas $1,2,3,4,5$. That is, E is the largest disk and A is the smallest one.
They are placed in the order E,D,C,B,A in the leftmost saucer, that is, largest at the bottom, smallest at the top. The rest two saucers are empty.
You are supposed to transfer the entire stack in the same order in the rightmost saucer. That is, in the end, the first two saucers will remain empty and the third saucer will contain the disks in the order E,D,C,B,A, that is, largest disk at the bottom and the smallest one on the top.
You are allowed to use the middle saucer temporarily during the transfers, you can move only one disk at a time, you cannot place a bigger disk on a smaller one.
What is the least possible ways in which you can do this transfer? Can you devise an algorithm for any number of disks?