All handmade!
Answer is a thematic word. Click here for colorblind assistance (regions with similar colors are indicated).
All handmade!
Answer is a thematic word. Click here for colorblind assistance (regions with similar colors are indicated).
Part 1 - Green figures, top right
This is a cipher based on the Dancing Man Code. Answer is HETERONYM
Part 2 - Yellow Triangles, Dots, and Crosses
This is a cipher known as Knight Templar. The result is UNFREEZE.
Partial answer
Top left, inside the red frame
The red thing seems like a kitchen scale to me, or a button. Then, there is a checkerboard, a bee, minus a thumbs down, or dislike. Checkerboarding is the only reasonable connection between all those.
Left, inside the green frame
There is a calligraphic P, a down arrow, a wrench, and the number 4 with Roman number (IV).
Bottom right, inside the yellow frame
The marks above the arrows look like derivatives of the symbols.