This is part three in my clichéd treasure island puzzle series. The story carries directly on from part two. Part one is here. There may be a bit of a gap before part 4 as I'm running out of ideas :)
The message from the cave is clear - if somewhat ominous. With a slight chill of apprehension the three of you head into the cave. The gloom thickens and the humidity becomes palpable. The weak, pale light from your torches barely illuminate your passage. The darkness of the cave seems to take on a life and morbid personality of its own, defying sight, rendering you close to blind.
After feeling you way down the cave for what feels like an age, unexpectedly it turns a sharp corner and abruptly opens into a large room. Soft and surprisingly dry sand carpets the cavern. A beam of light from a small shaft in the caves ceiling provides some welcome illumination and respite from your temporary blindness. Partially submerged in the sand is a chest, with a large combination lock. There are 4 rotating disks with 26 faces holding letters instead of numbers. Clearly a 4 letter word is required to open this chest.
A further search of the room reveals a grid scratched into the top of a flat rock, and a collection of small, round pebbles beside it. Perhaps this grid provides a clue as to the password.
Can you solve the puzzle and find the word to open the chest?