Before we get into it, I'd like to take a moment to congratulate everyone on us reaching part ten, but especially you because you've been putting up with this nonsense and travelling all over the world to search for this person.
But you still obediently head over to the
Zytglogge Tower
(Answer to Part IX)
because of his note. You notice that the clock tower looks... rustically beautiful. Unsure of what to do, you walk underneath the tower.
Suddenly, four walls close around the tower and you are plunged into pure darkness. You hear a zap and find yourself whizzing through space. Your feet land hard on solid ground and, immediately, you see lights turn on. You are in a corridor and have no choice but to start walking forwards. Eventually, you reach a crossroads. There are two options of where you can go. In between the two passageways, there are three symbols carved:
ᛖ ᚨ ᛈ
The passageway on the left has a picture of a domed building over it, rather like a mosque. The passageway on the right has a picture of waves (e.g. water) inside a trapezoidal glass over it.
Which passageway should you take and why?
Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3
You suddenly notice something else scratched on the wall:
ᚨ ᛚ
Hint 4
For more hints, see the comments under @El-Guest's answer! :)
WOW! Now we have some magic and teleportation coming into play! How much more of this will we have to endure? And where's the hiker? And what's going on with his mystery? Solve Part X quickly, and get ready for a part of these questions to be GRANDLY REVEALED!