You have been given the number 16. You also have 4 magic spells. You have to use the spells to turn 16 into 25.
Each spell changed your number a specific way, but the objective is never altered, you must make 25.
Spell List:
- Halfzenumzaber: Half your number (e.g: 16 -> 8)
- Dogaubtale: Double your number (e.g: 16 -> 32)
- Conracayutekonate: Concatenate your number with the same number (e.g: 16 -> 1616)
- subhatractlfplones: Half the number, then subtract 1 (e.g: 16 -> 7)
Current Best: 7
Is it possible to get 25? If so, what's the least amount of moves it takes, if not, prove it's impossibility.