The key to a solution to this question is related to an OEIS sequence,
Mian-Chowla sequence (a $B_2$ sequence): $a(1) = 1$; for $n>1$, $a(n) =$ smallest number $> a(n-1)$ such that the pairwise sums of elements are all distinct.
1, 2, 4, 8, 13, 21, 31, 45, 66, 81, 97, 123, 148, 182, 204, 252, 290, 361, 401, 475, 565, 593, 662, 775, 822, 916, 970, ...
In the following, let $a_n$ denote the $n$-th element of this sequence.
I claim that when you put rooks on the $k$-th row in the following columns:
$k - 1 + a_n$ (where $n$ runs from 1 up to whatever fits on the board)
you won't get any rectangles. The top left would look like this:
Proof of the claim:
Since the pattern is repeating itself, we may assume the top row of the rectangle is the first row. So for a rectangle we'd need to have four points $(1, a_{n_1}), (1, a_{n_2}), (k, k - 1 + a_{n_3}), (k, k - 1 + a_{n_4})$ where $a_{n_1} = k - 1 + a_{n_3}$ and $a_{n_2} = k - 1 + a_{n_4}$. Rearranging we get $a_{n_1} + k - 1 + a_{n_4} = a_{n_2} + k - 1 + a_{n_3}$ so $a_{n_1} + a_{n_4} = a_{n_2} + a_{n_3}$ which is impossible by the definition of the sequence; all sums are pairwise distinct.
But, it turns out that
you can only fit 742 rooks for $N = 100$, which is not good enough, so we need to utilize the bottom left as well.
Therefore, the OEIS sequence needs to be modified
to include negative integers as well. And let's make it start at 0 because that's more convenient. The first numbers are:
0, 1, -2, 5, -8, 15, -20, 31, 42, -48, -67, 76, 100, -121, -153, 170, 192, -227, -256, 280, -368, 394, -420, 481, -551, -594, 657, -750, -827, 839, 896, -938, ...
In the following, let $b_n$ denote the $n$-th element of this sequence.
The top left would look like this:
Now we only need to show how many rooks we can fit.
The rooks corresponding to $b_1 = 0$ will be present on $N$ rows; on $b_2 = 1$ on $N-1$ rows; generally, the ones corresponding to $b_n$ on $N - |b_n|$ rows. Let $B(N)$ denote the largest $n$ such that $|b_n| < N$; then, total number of rooks that fit is $$\sum_{n=1}^{B(N)}(N-|b_n|)=B(N)N-\sum_{n=1}^{B(N)}|b_n|$$.
Here's a table with partial sums:
n b sum
1 0 0
2 1 1
3 -2 3
4 5 8
5 -8 16
6 15 31
7 -20 51
8 31 82
9 42 124
10 -48 172
11 -67 239
12 76 315
13 100 415
So for $N = 100$, $B(N) = 12$ and the number of rooks = $12 \times 100 - 315 = 885 > 8N$. You can check that it holds (with a wider margin) for other $N$ between 100 and 1000.