Here's a crossword puzzle about Chinese idioms.
- Horrible Scream
- Hundred-year-man
- Scare-cry nature
- Big tree wind
- I'm so sad
- Ghost and God cry
- Hit ground and cry to sky
- Earth good people good
- Marvellous!
- Tell you something
- Reasonable power
- Talk so much
- Talk fake things
- No crops...
- Besties <3
- Go back to nature
- Bamboo in your chest
- Listen to me!
- Look front look back
- Best!
- Same Same Same
- Anything to be scared?
- Sad to happy
- Find happiness (hehe)
Hint 1:
23: 范仲淹
Hint 2:
24: Omega Krypton: I HeHe (雙關) every day
I will update Cyrus' Adventure soon :)