Thanks to an alert StackE user, we were able to get the first safe open.
Mission Details
This next safe is in a former employee's house. He is gone for now, so we have no time to spare.
We weren't able to get the actual combo , however, we did find some notes scribbled on scrap paper. The notes appeared to be some sort of code by using a deck of cards.
Your Task
Study the drawing, and fingure out what number is supposed to be in the blank square.
Once you are confident you have the card number and suit, we need to do some string manipulation.
Take the number of letters in the numeric part of the card and multiply by the number of letters in the suit name.
The result is the combination we are looking for.
The author of the note had highlighted what appears to read, "There are two, and only two solutions"
Good Luck, Team. Let's get this one done, so we can move onto the last Safe and retrieve all our company documents:
Teaser: It might be a good idea to memorize the answer from SafeCracker #1, and this one, too. We may need them in the next house.