Here be a hearty return to the original point of this series: retrograde analysis!
Number Of Moves: 12
Checkmater: White
Given Game:
? ?
? ?
? ?
? 0-0
? ?
? ?
? ?
Nf6+ Kh8
? ?
? ?
Nxf5 ?
Cryptic Clue #1: The black king dies a lonely death.
Cryptic Clue #2: No white queens or bishops are allowed.
Cryptic Clue #3: The white rook pawns do not move at all.
Cryptic Clue #4: (Optional): What words awoke the time traveler who came from the blue train?
Task: To use retrograde analysis and give an answer with all of the question marked moves solved, along with reasons for each move and all of the cryptic clues. A simple PGN post shall suffice. A link is optional.
Good luck, and go find those notations!