(My friend in real life gave me this)That's the original sequence:
I'm going to use other symbols to make it readable:
(/), (/,), (/, ?, ?, /)
I've noticed that the comma initally moves to the left,in fact we have a full symbol ⬅↕➡ that gets cut by the comma and becomes ⬅↕, and then the other part, goes after the comma ➡ then we start repeating the symbol ⬅↕➡ again,but this time it's still cut because the comma hasn't moved so we just write ⬅, by following the same logic after this there should be ↕➡,and then we have to understand if the comma changes the direction of the movement,because if it moves leftt we get something like this:
⬅↕➡ ,⬅↕,➡,⬅,↕➡,⬅↕➡⬅,↕➡ and I think this one is wrong
but if it switches direction and moves to right we get this: ⬅↕➡ ,⬅↕,➡,⬅,↕➡,⬅↕,↕➡
I think both my solutions are wrong because we should probably get a sequence made only of symbols of 3 and not like those :⬅↕,↕➡ or ⬅↕➡⬅,↕➡. Please help me,than you for your time.