Several matchstick digits are still digits when rotated by 180 degrees:
Note that 2 is rotated to 2.
Thus, we can make a matchstick arithmetic expression which is valid when rotated 180 degrees. For example, 1+1=2.
But, this is trivial because two expressions are the same.
The following matchstick expression produces two different valid equalities: 10+02=12 and 21=20+01.
But, it's not natural because of the leading 0.
Can you find a natural matchstick arithmetic expression which produces two different valid equalities when rotated 180 degrees?
Maybe, the smallest answer is 0+6=6 which is turned into 9=9+0. Or 1x6=6 which is turned into 9=9x1. But, let us exclude trivial equalities like "0+...", "0x...", or "1x..."