This was given as an assignment to a group of sixth graders, who were told they could use calculators. Beyond that, no real assistance was provided. They were not working on it as a group, so independent effort was presumably expected.
Place the numbers provided into the grid so that the numbers ACROSS every row and DOWN every column add up to 200.
$ ~~~~ ~~~~ \boxed{66} ~~~~ \boxed{46} ~~~~ \boxed{15} ~~~~ \boxed{41} ~~~~ \boxed{30} ~~~~ \boxed{72} ~~~~ \boxed{24} ~~~~ \boxed{28} $ $ ~~~~ ~~~~ \boxed{25} ~~~~ \boxed{66} ~~~~ \boxed{39} ~~~~ \boxed{22} ~~~~ \boxed{45} ~~~~ \boxed{54} ~~~~ \boxed{58} ~~~~ \boxed{49} ~~~~ $
First, this isn't going to be a real "Magic Square" for a number of reasons, but we'll ignore that.
The thing is, even with the grid partially filled in, a true unconfined brute-force search for a solution would take a very long time. A more intelligently created exhaustive search program can find a solution in seconds (there are two), but still requires a LOT of permutations to be evaluated. By computer, that's fast. With a hand-held calculator alone, manually keeping track of and testing the various permutations would be hellishly impractical.
So -
Is there a way to solve this, using only pencil and paper and a calculator, without sheer luck or exhaustive effort?
(Or, to put it another way, is this in any way a fair assignment for a sixth grader?)
Bonus Question
Ok, I'll add this because some of you will want to try it.
Go ahead, find the two solutions any way you like. First one to supply them gets the brownie points.
But I'm mainly interested in a practical no-computers method, if one exists.