Just an interesting idea for a puzzle that I had
So, I decided to see how many possible checkmate I could theoretically make, in a legal position that can be legally reached.
Always assume that the two players are mutually cooperating. It would be the checkmater’s, black in this case, turn to move. How many possible checkmate could you make for black to possibly deliver?
A move only counts as a possible checkmate is if it checkmates right away. If a piece can move to two or more squares to deliver a mate, each possibile move counts as a checkmate threat.
Discovered checks that result in checkmate only count if the piece that moves to allow the check do not deliver checkmate themselves.
Promotions by a pawn to do a checkmate, in the case that mate can be done by either a rook or a queen, count as only one threat for each promoting pawn.
Always make sure that the to-be checkmated side has a piece or two so it will not count as a stalemate if the position would be otherwise. This is to make sure the game has stayed a legal one. Stalemates always result in a disqualification. I will be the judge if it, for this is my question.
As such, here is my record of 26 possible checkmates threats:
(There’s two mating threats from each of the knights, rooks, and the queen.)
Try to beat me, even by 1 if you must!