Quietly walking among us are words which are actually superheroes in disguise! Just as Diana Prince spins around to become Wonder Woman, some seemingly ordinary words can spin around to reveal their super identities!
For example, STRESSED turns into DESSERTS just when you need it, and REVILED can turn around to DELIVER.
Poor little THINK is sitting all alone, thinking about how he could become the KNIGHT, if only he had a spare "G" ...
Just a mere mortal word without powers of transformation? Well, never fear! There is no shame in using an accessory (or ten) to enable your superpowers! (Respect, Batman, Green Lantern, and Iron Man!)
So now STINGIER can become the fiery REIGNITES(1), EMERGED can become the brilliant doctor DEGREE(2), and SALAMI can become fleet-footed IMPALAS(3)!
(1) with addition of an "E", sold separately
(2) after subtraction of an "M", not responsible for lost or missing pieces
(3) with addition of a "P", not included
But wait, there's more! With a well-stocked utility belt, some words can take on multiple transformations!
For example, DUAL becomes DUEL through the following transformation sequence:
. .
. .
. ---U-->
. .
. .
. .
. .
. <--E---
. .
. .
. .
. .
. ---A-->
. .
. .
. .
. .
. <--U---
. .
. .
Now let's see if you can help other superhero words find their own transformation sequence!
At each step, you may add or subtract a letter as you choose. You don't need to alternate additions and subtractions.
As always, I construct my puzzles in such a way that they can be solved using only well-known words, so if you find yourself conjuring up increasingly obscure words, you may be overthinking it.
The first three are just to get you warmed up, while 4-8 are serious:
1. start: SCAM
end: MAGES
(suggested 2 intermediate words)
2. start: TROOPER
(suggested 3 intermediate words)
3. start: XENON
end: WOK
(suggested 5 intermediate words)
4. start: SLEEPY
(suggested 16 intermediate words)
5. start: SEAPORT
(suggested 17 intermediate words)
6. start: KNIGHT
end: TIME
(suggested 23 intermediate words)
7. start: GURU
(suggested 27 intermediate words)
8. start: BLOG
end: ABOUT
(suggested 36 intermediate words)
Super helpful hints or diabolical distractions?
guar vs. gaur
taro vs. tarot
Wow, we really got a refresher on some vocabulary-building words! GARS, DIT, DEMIT, SOU, SOT, SI, STIM, STOB, NOB, TA, TAT...
1-3 were nicely handled by @Mohirl
Note on 4:
The solution provided by @PiIsNot3 is well done. If you feel that LEE is no longer as well known as it once was, take a look at the solution provided by @arbitrahj which detours around it using
Alternative solution to 5:
SEAPORT --> TROPES --> SPORT --> TOPS --> POT --> TO --> OAT --> TARO --> RAT --> TARS --> SAT --> TEAS --> SET --> TIES --> SIT --> TIPS --> SPITS --> STRIPS --> SPIRITS
Alternative solution to 6:
KNIGHT --> THINK --> KNIT --> STINK --> NITS --> SIN --> IS --> SIT --> TIES --> SET --> TEAS --> SAT --> TARS --> RAT --> TARO --> OAT --> TO --> LOT --> TOIL --> LIT --> TILE --> RELIT --> TIER --> REMIT --> TIME
Note on 7:
The solution provided by @PiIsNot3 uses GARS. Here is an alternative to the segment from RAG to PAR:
RAG --> GARB --> BAG --> GRAB --> BAR --> CRAB --> ARC --> CRAP --> PAR
Alternative solution to 8:
BLOG --> GOB --> BOGS --> SOB --> BOBS --> BOB --> BOMB --> MOB --> BOOM --> MOO --> DOOM --> MOD --> DORM --> ROD --> DOER --> RED --> DEAR --> RAD --> DART --> TAD --> AT --> A --> AD --> DAB --> BAUD --> DUB --> BUDS --> SUB --> US --> SUN --> NUBS --> BUN --> SNUB --> BUS --> STUB --> BUT --> TUBA --> ABOUT