Start with the digits:
$1\ 0\ 1\ 0\ 1\ 0\ 1\ 0\ 1\ 0\ 1$
You may then add (only!) these simple arithmetic operators:
$+\ -\ \times\ \div$
You may also remove the space between no more than 3 adjacent digits, to make larger numbers:
$1\ 0\ 1$ can be concatenated to $101$, for example
$1\ 0\ 1\ 0\ 1$ cannot be concatenated to $\require{enclose}\enclose{horizontalstrike}{10101}\ $ (too many digits)
You must then insert one equal sign $\ =\ $ between two numbers to form a valid and correct equation.
What is the fewest operators you can add to form a valid equation?
[Added bonus question]
What is the fewest operators you can add to form a valid equation if operators only appear on one side of the equal sign?
Unary negation $-1$ is allowed.
Unary plus $+1$ is not allowed.
Binary addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are allowed.
No other operators are allowed.
No decimal points, and no rounding.
Leading zeroes on numbers are not allowed.
Base 10 only.
Order of operations:
What Perl uses. Basically, BO(DM)(AS):
• left to right
• multiplication and division done together in one pass
• addition and subtraction done together in a lower priority pass
You may add parentheses if required to reorder evaluation. Each pair counts as an operator.