
Solve the clues and fit the answers into the grid.

cryptic cross

  1. Far north Silicon Valley's research & development leaders surround Jessica (8)
  2. Pop star loses British-American distribution rights to music organization (4)
  3. Kingdom's famous sherpa leaves greatest top, gets second award (6)
  4. Clapton song loses heart, gets inside club to be McCartney song (6)
  5. Yale professor Jenny with rights to Diablo north of Mali's capital (8)
  6. In retrospect, Korean Secretary-General is a Swedish actress (5)
  7. Before Christ, Jonah's insiders introduced first Hebrew God (6)
  8. Excess of vitamins lacking irate vim leads to state of trance (8)
  9. Metric cruise around psychic medium is funny business (6)
  10. Flamboyant fly's wings around wish-granting body part (6)
  11. Jovial monster rips out heart, surrounding first person (5)
  12. Animated series presumed ending with vocal piece (5)
  13. Clothing material shelled for Holy Roman emperor (4)
  14. Taiwanese company contracted Nigerian people (3)
  15. Ancient piano instrumental finishes grand finale (3)
  16. Elizabeth places a wager close to fourth of July (5)
  17. Tried architect glances, moves foot to the west (5)
  18. Ethiopian opera featuring keyboard instrument (5)
  19. Postal director to turn head with extreme envy (3)
  20. Bold goer initially heads up inside rural centre (5)
  21. Army unit with small four-wheeler and wizard (8)
  22. Standards organization backs network model (3)
  23. Boating tool from metallic mineral, reportedly (3)
  24. 113 previously used underwater turtle heads (3)
  25. Tea and baked goods for unsightly creatures (6)
  26. Retailers can cover the large and the small (5)
  27. Sumerian city falls, ending Sufi celebration (3)
  28. Don't start to hide behind blue-green toxin (7)
  29. Evil overlord central to dinosaur onslaught (6)
  30. Heroic poem briefly does make up chapter (7)
  31. Street goes below tree, never seen before (5)
  32. Elizabeth initially next in line, loses turn (5)
  33. Latin initialism is heartless Shinto deity (4)
  34. African fly shirtless to dictator's second name (4)
  35. Tool lineup featuring top Florida scorer (4)
  36. Spice rings encircle half-hearted Ronald (7)
  37. Programming pioneer's top three proverbs (3)
  38. Deep blue crowdfunding site with no ego (6)
  39. Foster to perish after Norwegian author (5)
  40. Murderbot Ultra One ultimately scrapped (6)
  41. Back balsam? Ah, a beautiful country (7)
  42. Dwarf agent surrounds Dracula actor (6)
  43. No start for the trip of me and you (3)
  44. On the premises, part spins it up (2 4)
  45. Legislative organs for storyteller (5)
  46. Partial compounds in ghastly lager (6)
  47. Māori prophet's revolutionary aura (3)
  48. Saudi Arabia owns any Chinese city (5)
  49. Avenge odd appliance manufacturer (3)
  50. Vengeful seaman held in Allahabad (4)
  51. Cold sea fog from an empty hangar (4)
  52. Decapitated cat charged particle (3)
  53. Biblical figure remains wingless (3)
  54. Monagan brings up nineties host (6)
  55. Visibly injure a feline villain (4)
  56. Knighted actor secretly lesbian (3)
  57. Champion checker in the house (3)
  58. Bohemian northbound target (3)
  59. No diaper, no happy couple (3)
  60. Motor club's credit rating (3)
  61. Brush a pet in living room (5)
  62. Elevated bonus card game (3)
  63. Gorilla secretly escapes (3)
  64. Empty spaces for Roombas (7)
  65. Eastern part of Eurasia (4)
  66. Michael: a girl's name? (6)
  67. Letter beta sans beta (3)
  68. Beauty upsets kingdom (3)
  69. Melted into Braxton (4)
  70. Car with no sound (5)
  71. To sweeten honey (5)

3 Answers 3


Here is the final grid (credit to Jacob Shetler, Remi Henry and M Oehm for solving some of the clues)

enter image description here

1. Far north Silicon Valley's research & development leaders surround Jessica (8)

Svalbard = Alba inside S.V.R & D

2. Pop star loses British-American distribution rights to music organization (4)

Riaa = Rihanna - hnn

3. Kingdom's famous sherpa leaves greatest top, gets second award (6)

Norway (found by Jacob Shetler)

4. Clapton song loses heart, gets inside club to be McCartney song (6)

Lalula = La(y)la + club

5. Yale professor Jenny with rights to Diablo north of Mali's capital (8)

Lindblom = Lind + blo + M

6. In retrospect, Korean Secretary-General is a Swedish actress (5)

Noomi = The end of Ban Ki-moon spelled backwards

7. Before Christ, Jonah's insiders introduced first Hebrew God (6)

Adonai = AD + ona + i

8. Excess of vitamins lacking irate vim leads to state of trance (8)

Hypnosis = Hypervitaminosis without irate vim

9. Metric cruise around psychic medium is funny business (6)

Sitcom = SI + T(c)om, where c is the middle of psychic (solved by M Oehm)

10. Flamboyant fly's wings around wish-granting body part (6)

Flashy = f + lash + y

11. Jovial monster rips out heart, surrounding first person (5)

Happy = Harpy - r + person (thanks to M Oehm)

12. Animated series presumed ending with vocal piece (5)

Daria (found by Jacob Shetler)

13. Clothing material shelled for Holy Roman emperor (4)

Otto = (C)otto(n)

14. Taiwanese company contracted Nigerian people (3)

Asu = Asus - s

15. Ancient piano instrumental finishes grand finale (3)

Old = piano instrumental + grand

16. Elizabeth places a wager close to fourth of July (5)

Betsy = Bets + y

17. Tried architect glances, moves foot to the west (5)

Speer = peers with s on the left.

18. Ethiopian opera featuring keyboard instrument (5)

Piano = Ethiopian opera

19. Postal director to turn head with extreme envy (3)

Uwe = turn + with + envy

20. Bold goer initially heads up inside rural centre (5)

Uhura = heads up inside 'ura'

21. Army unit with small four-wheeler and wizard (8)

Squadron = s + quad + ron

22. Standards organization backs network model (3)

OSI = ISO backwards

23. Boating tool from metallic mineral, reportedly (3)

Oar = sounds like ore

24. 113 previously used underwater turtle heads (3)

Uut = used underwater turtle

25. Tea and baked goods for unsightly creatures (6)

Trolls = T + rolls

26. Retailers can cover the large and the small (5)

Lidls = Lid + L + S

27. Sumerian city falls, ending Sufi celebration (3)

Urs = Ur + falls

28. Don't start to hide behind blue-green toxin (7)

Cyanide = Cyan + (h)ide

29. Evil overlord central to dinosaur onslaught (6)

Sauron (found by Remi Henry)

30. Heroic poem briefly does make up chapter (7)

Episode = Epi(c) + anagram of does

31. Street goes below tree, never seen before (5)

First = Fir + st

32. Elizabeth initially next in line, loses turn (5)

Queen = Queue - U(-turn) + next (thanks M Oehm)

33. Latin initialism is heartless Shinto deity (4)

Inri = In(a)ri (thanks M Oehm)

34. African fly shirtless to dictator's second name (4)

Sese = Tsetse without the Ts

35. Tool lineup featuring top Florida scorer (4)

Olli = Tool lineup

36. Spice rings encircle half-hearted Ronald (7)

Oregano = O + regan + o

37. Programming pioneer's top three proverbs (3)

Ada = Adages (thanks M Oehm)

38. Deep blue crowdfunding site with no ego (6)

Indigo = Indiegogo - ego

39. Foster to perish after Norwegian author (5)

Jodie = Jo + die

40. Murderbot Ultra One ultimately scrapped (6)

Ultron = Ultr(a) + On(e)

41. Back balsam? Ah, a beautiful country (7)

Bahamas = balsam? Ah, a beautiful

42. Dwarf agent surrounds Dracula actor (6)

Sleepy = s(lee)py

43. No start for the trip of me and you (3)

Our = (T)our

44. On the premises, part spins it up (2 4)

In situ = spins it up

45. Legislative organs for storyteller (5)

Dumas = Duma is the lower chamber of the Russian parliament.

46. Partial compounds in ghastly lager (6)

Singha = compounds in ghastly

47. Māori prophet's revolutionary aura (3)

Rua = aura backwards

48. Saudi Arabia owns any Chinese city (5)

Sanya = SanyA

49. Avenge odd appliance manufacturer (3)

AEG = Avenge

50. Vengeful seaman held in Allahabad (4)

Ahab = Allahabad

51. Cold sea fog from an empty hangar (4)

Haar = ha(ng)ar

52. Decapitated cat charged particle (3)

Ion (found by Jacob Shetler)

53. Biblical figure remains wingless (3)

Eli = (R)eli(c) (figured out by M Oehm)

54. Monagan brings up nineties host (6)

Nagano = Monagan backwards

55. Visibly injure a feline villain (4)

Scar (found by Remi Henry)

56. Knighted actor secretly lesbian (3)

Ian = lesbian (credit to M Oehm)

57. Champion checker in the house (3)

Hou = house

58. Bohemian northbound target (3)

Aim = Bohemian reversed.

59. No diaper, no happy couple (3)

Nay = a brand of baby clothes and also no + happy

60. Motor club's credit rating (3)

AAA = both an American motor club and bond credit rating

61. Brush a pet in living room (5)

Groom = living room

62. Elevated bonus card game (3)

Uno = bonus

63. Gorilla secretly escapes (3)

Ape = escapes

64. Empty spaces for Roombas (7)

Vacuums = although vacua is usually the plural

65. Eastern part of Eurasia (4)

Asia (found by Remi Henry)

66. Michael: a girl's name? (6)

Jordan = Michael Jordan (basketballer) or Jordan (Katie Price)

67. Letter beta sans beta (3)

Eta (found by Remi Henry)

68. Beauty upsets kingdom (3)

UAE = Beauty mixed up (credit to M Oehm)

69. Melted into Braxton (4)

Toni = anagram of into

70. Car with no sound (5)

Audio = Audi + o

71. To sweeten honey (5)

Sugar = meaning to sweeten and is synonymous with honey as an informal address.

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Phew, well done! (I think 68 and 56 are missing a hidden-answer indicators. The missing wings in 53 are R and C. The singular of 45 is the lower chamber of the Russian parliament. The Cruise in 9 should be capital, because it's SI + "medium" letter of psychic in Tom. The female monster's ripped-out heart in 11 is an R.) $\endgroup$
    – M Oehm
    Commented Feb 21, 2019 at 19:26
  • $\begingroup$ @MOehm Thank you. I've filled those in now. There are still a few missing so I'm not sure that the grid is 100% correct but I think only maybe 3 or 4 letters could be wrong. $\endgroup$
    – hexomino
    Commented Feb 21, 2019 at 19:41
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Ah, I was looking for the question marks. I think the grid and the unexplained answers look good. For what it's worth: 32: The lost turn is a U turn, missing from queue and getting an E from Liz in return. 33: The Shinto deity is Inari. 37: The "top three proverbs" are ADE(ge). 47: The prophet is hidden backwards, again without indicator. I think 60, 68 and 77 are just double defs. $\endgroup$
    – M Oehm
    Commented Feb 21, 2019 at 20:10
  • $\begingroup$ @MOehm Ahh my bad, it looks like I've been pretty consistently failing to indicate the "hidden" clues when the thing that's hidden is to be read backwards... I'll try to keep it in mind in the future. $\endgroup$
    – Jafe
    Commented Feb 21, 2019 at 21:03
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Yes, that's because I botched the explanation. It's N (initially next) in QUE(u)E. Def. is Elizabeth, but that doesn't explain why the N comes at the end -- "in" suggests that the N should be surrounded by the letters of QUEE. $\endgroup$
    – M Oehm
    Commented Feb 22, 2019 at 10:16

Partial Answer :

  1. Evil overlord central to dinosaur onslaught (6)

dinosaur onslaught = SAURON

  1. Visibly injure a feline villain (4)

SCAR (villain from the lion king)

  1. Eastern part of Eurasia (4)


  1. Michael: a girl's name? (6)

Michael = Michel

  1. Letter beta sans beta (3)



Partial Answer

  1. Kingdom's famous sherpa leaves greatest top, gets second award (6)

NORWAY – Norgay minus g plus w

  1. Animated series presumed ending with vocal piece (5)

DARIA - D plus Aria

  1. Sumerian city falls, ending Sufi celebration (3)

URN - City of Ur plus n

  1. Decapitated cat charged particle (3)



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