
Add a "C", I am what has been,
Add a "G", I might be a queen,
Add a "P", I'll turn away from sin
Add an "L" and I may just give in.

This is a Reverse Hangman puzzle, see here for an example.

The final answer will be a string with one letter blank which can be filled in in several different ways to form a valid word (e.g, "_at" can make bat, cat, fat, hat, etc).

In your answer, please give the string with the missing letter and explain each line.


1 Answer 1


The answer is:


Add a "C", I am what has been,

Recent: something that has happened in the immediate past.

Add a "G", I might be a queen,

Regent: a person that could govern if the current monarch is unable to fulfill their duties.

Add a "P", I'll turn away from sin

Repent: when you repent of your sins, it means you're regretful and you will probably turn away from sinning again.

Add an "L" and I may just give in.

Relent: relenting can mean giving in to a request, yielding.


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