A Sequel for A Masterpiece: A mirror or an ABC? , thanks for all your support for that puzzle, and hope you like this!
In a science quiz you scratched your head,
For it was a puzzle nowhere it led.
Memories floated: your father tucking you to bed,
Where bit by bit with you knowledge he'd fed.
And this is the science ABC,
With this shall no challenge difficult be.
With A you check how much the loop's worth currently
With B how bright you see
c how the ray passes steadfastly
And D, sink or float, that's the key!
Sir e! Most negative, with challenges, toils and gore.
Resisted, yet charging, journey he not abhors.
For the F he longed for
Though grounded by g to core
For endless h's he his energy tore,
If running for dreamy i, what's all that for?
Hasn't he measured with J his losses,
And K his heat gained for being crossed?
The l of the journey he measured,
By m and m he ventured,
But "Out!" went Black, and all ended for sure.
N here we go, up in the air,
where O also got his share.
But P was large up in the atmosphere,
So be rational like Q, get back down here.
r! My radiation are far too small,
My life in half, in s's, that's all.
And there's never enough t before I fall.
Oh yeah, I am U, that's how I'm called,
Though I possess the V potentially,
I shall not shine as bright as W.
x cuse me sir, I'm of no match,
To y, who stood straight like a match!
But the final victor would be z up high,
Who both x and y couldn't fetch but sigh!
Now who goes "Oooo!"
And knows what to do?