If there are six candies on the table, the expected number of additional candies to eat will be zero.
If there are five on the table, the expected number will be 5/6 of (two plus whatever the expected number would be with four), plus 1/6 of the expected number with six.
If there are four on the table, the expected number will be 4/6 of (two plus whatever the expected number would be with three) plus 2/6 of the expected number with five.
If there are three on the table, the expected number will be 3/6 of (two plus whatever the expected number would be with two) plus 3/6 of the expected number with four.
If there are two on the table, the expected number will be 2/6 of (two plus whatever the expected number would be with one) plus 4/6 of the expected number with three.
If there is one on the table, the expected number will be 1/6 of (two plus whatever the expected number would be with none) plus 5/6 of the expected number with two.
If there are none on the table, the expected number will be the same as the expected number with one
If one views the expected number of additional candies to eat when there are zero, one, two, etc. up to six candies on the table as being seven variables, the above will define a system of seven equations and seven unknowns (note that the "variable" for six is simply equal to zero, and the one for zero is equal to that of one, so if desired two variables and two equations may be omitted).
Using the above equations, it's easy to determine the number of candies that would need to be eaten with one candy on the table as being a linear function of the number of candies that would be consumed if there were two, then the determine the number with two as a linear function of the number that would be consumed if there were three, etc. up to five. Since the value at six is known (zero), that that means that the values for five, four, three, etc. can all be computed.