The Soma cube is perhaps the most well-known polycube dissection. Here are three more dissections to be assembled into 3x3x3 cubes.
The best answer will provide:
- the first correct solution for all three puzzles. Excluding rotations and reflections, puzzles 1 and 3 have only one solution. Puzzle 2 has 13 possible solutions.
- a format similar to the example below. Colors or numbers or both can be used to indicate the location of each piece.
- a few words about your methodology (ie. simple deduction, used some code or calculations, found some help on the web...)
Note that all pieces for these 3 puzzles have a thickness of 1 unit.
Here is an example format for the Soma cube solution that is shown on the Wikipedia page.
These 3 puzzles do not have copyright restrictions. The puzzle names are in this spoiler:
1) Slothouber-Graatsma puzzle
2) Diabolical cube
3) ZZZLLL cube