Based off a very, very well-known puzzle
The new RPG, Fight Battle 21, is now here! Now with the same three characters as the previous 20 editions!
Knight: 6 HP, 60% chance to deal 3 damage
Archer: 4 HP, 100% chance to deal 2 damage
Mage: 2 HP, 80% chance to deal 4 damage
When you choose your character, you'll be put into an arena with the other two characters in a turn-based combat battle!!
The turn order starts with you, then goes Knight, Archer, Mage (starting with you, so if you choose Archer, Mage is next)
On your turn, you must make an attack. You have a certain chance of dealing a certain number of damage, which reduces your target's HP. Your HP, chance and damage are noted in your character sheet above.
You know, however, how the game's AI will attack.
The AI will attack the target with the highest health. If two or more targets have the same health, the AI will attack the target with the highest starting health.
Alright, cool! Now all you need to do is find a way to win... at least 80% of the time.
What, you thought this would be easy? Start grinding. You'll need the XP.