I can't remember what I was doing last night... Could you help me figure out what I was doing?
This is what I can remember...
I was standing in a room. Some guy from another country, Scandinavian I think, complained about a priest attacking his wife. He said his wife retaliated by threatening the priest and his master, which caused the man's wife's counterpart to protect the priest's master... He then said his wife attacked both of the church's priests, accidentally bumping into someone in the process. This is where it started getting really weird. He then said his wife's counterpart moved something about the square root of two... His wife followed her counterpart, and the attacked priest went the same distance, the other way. Then he said his wife returned home for the night, and the priest knocked at the door. The man, not wanting anything to do with this, ran the only way he could. However, he ran into his wife's counterpart, and now he's stuck here.
Oddly enough, I also remember what I said after that:
"Well, I guess I came out on top."
I then checked my watch, and the time was 8:00 PM.