I don't know, but I think my opponent just may be cheating in this chess game.
So, the natural thing to do is cheat right back! My plan is to put black pieces on the board so the white king is immediately checkmated.
However, I need to put the pieces with the lowest total value (pawn = 1, knight/bishop = 3, rook = 5, queen = 9) on the board to checkmate the king.
So, the question is:
What is the lowest total value of black pieces you can 'drop' on the board to immediately checkmate the white king here?
Some other rules:
Normal piece counts don't apply. Go wild with 10 pawns, 5 knights, 4 rooks, etc.
Legal double checks are allowed; triple checks aren't.
You may only drop black pieces, not additional white ones.
Good luck!