Continuation of: "Sub-puzzle: Master and Slave versus Bob the Violent but Honest Psychopath"
Continued in: "Master and Slave versus Bob: hard version"
Previously I described a game that is played by a Master and Slave team versus Bob the Violent but Honest Psychopath. Here I describe two additional games with very similar structure to the previous game.
The Main game is the one described previously, that is:
- Bob selects a card from the Deck, which he reveals to the Master.
- Bob (who is honest) reveals to the Master the Red/Black plays he will make in the four rounds of step (5).
- The Master then selects a card from the Deck, which he reveals to Bob.
- Bob then decides to do one of two things:
- He grants them one Mulligan, and tells the Slave a Large amount of information about the Master's card; or
- He grants them two Mulligans, and tells the Slave a Small amount of information about the Master's card.
- Then they play four Red/Black rounds. [To recap: this consists of four rounds, in each of the which, the Master, Slave and Bob simultaneously play either Red or Black. Unless all three players play the same colour, the Master and Slave team loses one Mulligan, or else if they have none left, Bob KIIIIIIILS THEEEEM.]
- Then the Slave decides to do one of two things:
- He guesses a Large amount of information about Bob's card [which must be correct on pain of getting KIIIIIIILLED]; or
- He forfeits one of the team's Mulligans, then guesses a Small amount of information about Bob's card.
The Deck in steps (1),(3),(4),(6) is explained below.
One new game is the Prologue and goes like this:
- Bob selects a card from the Deck, which he reveals to the Master.
- Bob reveals to the Master his three plays.
- Nothing happens in step 3. (The Master does not select a card.)
- Bob grants them three Mulligans. (Bob does not make a decision, the Slave gets no information about the Master's card, which does not exist.)
- Then they play three Red/Black rounds.
- Then the Slave decides to do one of two things:
- He guesses a Large amount of information about Bob's card; or
- He forfeits one of the team's Mulligans, then guesses a Small amount of information about Bob's card.
The other new game is the Epilogue and goes like this:
- Nothing happens in step 1. (Bob does not select a card.)
- Bob reveals his three plays up front to the Master.
- The Master then selects a card from the Deck, which he reveals to Bob.
- Bob then decides to do one of two things:
- He grants them zero Mulligans, and tells the Slave a Large amount of information about the Master's card; or
- He grants them one Mulligan, and tells the Slave a Small amount.
- Then they play three Red/Black rounds.
- Nothing happens in step 6. (The Slave does not make a guess about Bob's card, which does not exist.)
[Just as a reminder of the point of all this: these games can be "chained" together in a certain way, resulting in this game:
Step 0. Bob selects a positive integer N.
- Nothing happens in step 1.
- Bob reveals his 4N+2 plays up front to the Master.
- Nothing happens in step 3.
- Bob grants them N+2 Mulligans.
- Then they play 4N+2 Red/Black rounds.
- Nothing happens in step 6.
And there is no Deck in this game. This is effectively the game described here, with p=3/4. ]
As before, I have not said what the Deck is, or what Large and Small amounts of information mean. Because that is up to you. Of course, it must have the same meaning in all three games (or they won't chain together).
So, your task is: to come up with a Deck, and a definition for Large and Small amounts of information, and GUARANTEED (not probabilistic) survival strategies for the Main game, Prologue, and Epilogue.
Of course you might be able to simply reuse one of the answers to the previous question (at the time of writing, only one correct answer is posted), in which case you just have to solve the Prologue and Epilogue for the answer you chose.
No further hints. I mean it when I say 'easy version'. You can do this :-)