I had an idea for another teaset riddle so here we go.
For anyone who doesn't know how these works you must decipher two or more words that are homonyms/homophones that have a different meaning, A.K.A. teapots. These teapots can relate to a specific set or group. If you don't understand fully here are some links to past ones:
Each line has a clue for a different word that has at least two meanings/teapots. Find all the teapots and what set they belong to.
Good Luck!
Add a sprinkle of this to almost every dish
Then look at the past of existence
For the last two lets not go crazy
Or shall we?What are the words and how do they relate to one another?
Hint 1
Word one sometimes hot, sometimes not, sometimes just the delivery
As the second, I have many teapots, one a famous Mr. me
For the third, the hint was wild, but everything will be ok
Finally the fourth comes in different types, freezing or Italian way
Hint 2
Since there is still some confusion,
of this particular teapot fusion,
here are some clues for finding three and four.
The third you must peel back the distractions.
While the fourth makes up a large fraction
of a lighter meal at a restaurant or store.
Hint 3
For the third word, common colours it has three,
It starts at one and changes over time you'll see,
First its sick, then its happy and finally its brown
At its final colour you should probably throw it down.
For the fourth word, think of caesar and garden,
Keep thinking about the first colour and you won't be far then.
Now put it all together, solution one, two, three and four,
This should be enough hints, hopefully there will be no more.
Hopefully the hints are specific enough without being too easy. More hints may be added if deemed necessary.